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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
iAaron iAaron 12/05/13 Sold him a main for 20m, thanks alot mannnnn<3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/05/13 Bought main was soo easy really cool person <3 iAaron iAaron
OSRS Butlers OSRS Butlers 12/05/13 Paid 10m upfront and promised 3m in 1week. Awesome <3 Swaq Swaq
Swaq Swaq 12/05/13 Bought his 2007 pure :) Legit OSRS Butlers OSRS Butlers
Celeos Celeos 12/05/13 bought 2 cb acc without any problems robogym robogym
Divica Divica 12/05/13 Thanks for selling me VIP! irwtonrs1 irwtonrs1
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/05/13 Went really smooth bought voucher Meow Meow
ultimedown ultimedown 12/05/13 Sold a Runescape Old School pure for him real cheap and legit! it works good! Adriano123 Adriano123
Adriano123 Adriano123 12/05/13 You are legit :) sold me a rs account. thanks. ultimedown ultimedown
Temponinja Temponinja 12/05/13 Sold 2m to him he went first, nice guy. Gucci Mane Gucci Mane
Gucci Mane Gucci Mane 12/05/13 i just bought 2m 07 very nice price, would trade again Temponinja Temponinja
ops ops 12/05/13 his 10m rs3 for my 1m 07 a++ Kalems Kalems
Kalems Kalems 12/05/13 swapped my 10m eoc for his 1m 07 A++ ops ops
Temponinja Temponinja 12/05/13 sold me an account, great guy would trade again. Cobwebster Cobwebster
Cobwebster Cobwebster 12/05/13 Traded an 07 account for some 07 gold, very fair price would deal some more Temponinja Temponinja
Divica Divica 12/05/13 sold 10m went smooth Fuzzyy Fuzzyy
rsbot321 rsbot321 12/05/13 I told him that i cant do the service but he never logged in. strbunix strbunix
strbunix strbunix 12/05/13 HE SCAM ME FOR 750k HE NOT POWERLEVELING!! HE SCAM ME FOR 750k HE rsbot321 rsbot321
Probemas Probemas 12/05/13 Vouch sold me a fresh level 3 - thanks mate! B2B B2B
B2B B2B 12/05/13 Sold fresh level 3 :) Probemas Probemas
Probemas Probemas 12/05/13 Bought well over 200m from him in the last few days :) thanks Divica Divica
Divica Divica 12/05/13 Sold 59m:) Probemas Probemas
Probemas Probemas 12/05/13 bought 2 fresh accounts, fast and cheap! thanks bro:) Royal Services Royal Services
COOLCAR COOLCAR 12/05/13 Sold him 5M OSGP! Fast and smooth thanks! Deedar Deedar
Deedar Deedar 12/05/13 Thanks sold me 4.5m COOLCAR COOLCAR
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