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APA Sand Crabs


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3 hours ago, Thiccboi said:

This script was my first purchase on OSbot, no trial needed. 

From reading the reviews I knew this is a quality script and exactly what i needed, been running for almost 45 hours now, 140mins and a 30 min break.

No ban yet and is working flawlessly, I have not had to restart the script due to it being stuck ect. can't wait to get 75 attack on my SOTD pure! ?


Would recommend 10/10 

Awesome progress! Although that does sound pretty risky :o

If you're able to send in a screenshot before you stop the script i'd love to see that!


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11 hours ago, Apaec said:

Awesome progress! Although that does sound pretty risky :o

If you're able to send in a screenshot before you stop the script i'd love to see that!


I had to restart the client due to the Update today and sometimes I would accidentally close it, but here are a few proggies i've gotten screenshots of.





Edit, 75 attack has been achieved here is my final proggie



Edited by Thiccboi
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Just purchased - thought I'd give it a review.

The good:

- I like the randomization/anti-ban methods

- I like the spot selection

- Good food/potion support

Wish list:

- It is a passive bot, could it be an active bot? (Click on crabs, look for other nearby crabs if none are spawned/attacking)

- Could the spot selection be dynamic? Could it move around from one spot to another occasionally? (every [random] amount of time)

Edited by lolerskaterz
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@Apaec hey man, thanks for trial and i can tell only one thing - perfect script

well, maybe it would be absolute perfect if it would have at least level cap to stop at - so we could force it to stop at level 40 attack for example, if we making pures. Or 40 defence, if doing rune pure, so you don't ruin account.

But everything else  perfect

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On 5/22/2016 at 7:35 PM, Apaec said:


$4.99 for lifetime access


Before buying, please ensure you check-out with the correct script. Swapping scripts is not possible.


  • All spawns - Supports every multi-crab spawn point both along the south coast of Zeah and Crab Claw Isle
  • All combat styles - Supports Ranged, Magic and Melee combat training. The script will not bank runes of any type
  • Saving GUI - Intuitive, re-sizeable and fully tool tipped GUI (Graphical User Interface) allowing you to tailor the script session to your needs, with configuration saving / loading
  • Human replication - Designed with human simulation in mind - multiple options to replicate human behaviour available in the GUI
  • Setup customiser - Inventory customiser allows you to visually see your trip setup
  • CLI support - The script can be started from the command line
  • All potions - Supports all relevant potion types, multiple potion types simultaneously and varying potion ratios
  • Healing in a range - Dual slider allows you to specify a range within which to consume food. Exact eat percentages are calculated using a Gaussian distributed generator at run time
  • Healing to full at the bank - When banking, the script will eat up to full hit points to extend trip times
  • Safe breaking - Working alongside the OSBot break manager, the script will walk to safe place approximately two minutes before a break starts to ensure a successful log out
  • Anti-crash - Smart crash detection supports multiple anti-crash modes (chosen in the GUI):
    • Hop worlds if crashed - the script will walk to a safe place and hop worlds until it finds a free one, at which point it will resume training
    • Force attack if crashed - the script will fight back and manually fight pre-spawned sand crabs until the crasher leaves
    • Stop if crashed - the script will walk to a safe place and stop
  • Ammo and Clue looting - Clue scroll and Ammo looting system based on a Gaussian-randomised timing scheme
  • All ammo - Supports all OSRS ammo types and qualities
  • Spec activation - Special attack support for the current weapon to maximise your exp per hour
  • Auto-retaliate toggling - The script will toggle auto-retaliate on if you forget
  • Move mouse outside screen - Option to move the mouse outside the screen while idle, simulating an AFK player switching tabs
  • Refresh delay - Option to add a Gaussian-randomised delay before refreshing the chosen session location, simulating an AFK player's reaction delay
  • Visual Paint and Logger - Optional movable self-generating Paint and Timeout Scrolling Logger show all the information you would need to know about the script and your progress
  • Progress bars - Automatically generated exp progress bars track the combat skills that you are using
  • Web walking - Utilises the OSBot Web alongside a custom local path network to navigate the area. This means the script can be started from anywhere!
  • Safe banking - Custom banking system ensures the script will safely stop if you run out of any configured items
  • Safe stopping - Safely and automatically stops when out of supplies, ammo or runes
  • Dropping - Drops useless/accidentally looted items to prevent inventory and bank clutter
  • All food - Supports pretty much every OSRS food known to man. Seriously - there's too many to list!
  • ... and many more - if you haven't already, trial it!

Things to consider before trying/buying:

  • Mirror mode - currently there appear to be some inconsistencies with behaviour between Mirror mode and Stealth Injection meaning the script can behave or stop unexpectedly while running on Mirror. Since Mirror mode is still in beta this is to be expected, so I would urge users to use the script with Stealth Injection to ensure a flawless experience! Since Stealth Injection is widely considered equally safe (if not safer) than mirror mode, this hopefully shouldn't be a problem.
  • Using breaks - the script supports breaks and will walk to a safe place ready to log out approximately two minutes before a configured break starts. However, upon logging back in, your spot may no longer be open. If you configure the crash mode to be either 'Hop if crashed' (default) or 'Stop if crashed', this will not prove to be a problem. However if using 'Force attack if crashed', the script will attempt to take back the spot by crashing the occupying player and manually attacking spawned sand crabs. Be aware that players have a tendency to report anti-social behaviour such as this!
  • Avoiding bans - while I have done my utmost to make the script move and behave naturally, bans do occasionally happen, albeit rarely. To minimise your chances of receiving a ban, I would strongly suggest reviewing this thread written by the lead content developer of OSBot. If you take on board the advice given in that thread and run sensible botting periods with generous breaks, you should be fine. That being said, please keep in mind that botting is against the Oldschool Runescape game rules, thus your account will never be completely safe and you use this software at your own risk.
  • Setting the script up - I have done my best to make the GUI (Graphical User Interface) as intuitive as possible by making all options as self explanatory as I could, however if you are not sure as to what a particular setting does, you can hover over it for more information. If that doesn't help, just ask on this thread!
  • Web-walking - alongside a network of paths, the script moves around with the OSBot web-walking system, using it when in unknown territory. While it has proven very reliable, there are naturally some areas for which the web-walker may struggle. As a result, prior to starting the script, I would highly recommend manually navigating your player close to the sand crabs bank, however in practice, anywhere on Zeah should be fine.

Script trials:

  • I believe that trying a script before buying is paramount. After trying the script, hopefully you will be convinced to get a copy for yourself, but if not you will have gained some precious combat experience! If you're interested in a trial, please follow the instructions on my trials thread which can be found here.


  • Start up GUI (Graphical User Interface):


  • Paint (optional, movable and self-generating):


  • Dynamic signature (totals):


User screenshots:

  Reveal hidden contents

Post V3.0:

  Reveal hidden contents

3.5 day progress report submitted by @Master00j:



aLxMGAe.png as1qOkZ.png 3EuEKo7.png  yqswpwI.png jgXkIz0.png Lfm4b35.png YRFYW3P.png mj4dzvk.pngpjWTkGp.png FBHfiB5.png 9ZJn8Y5.pngptQ1nT7.pngYI2omWk.pngLQ0y79c.pngPDQLwOq.pngQkWv3i0.png pDZy112.png DuiyAIi.png EMKCrs4.pngxadfRLb.png nfL5VDX.png  nPwPyXW.png lKZWN2n.png iL9Ihy8.png sZu9Dx9.pngd89Sb3z.pngAHSOwhW.png6WJlPdP.png6Mmabll.pngk0tocTl.png6kU43aY.png d02PVse.pngkey58Ma.pngnffYFNm.pnglNTC7st.pngCXIfnxm.png 1olAnjv.png ymChmhg.pngWRxmQmO.png o9OgxcH.png t1UKYJy.png








Pre V3.0:

  Reveal hidden contents

1 day and 22 hours coming in from  @FaxeKondi !!!!!


1 day 14 hours!!!


1 day 11 hours!!!


1 day 10 hours!!!






iDvOo2J.png Jl83AZX.png FAWJ2Rz.png2323.pngproggy.PNGF0J93eH.pngsQlq4Bc.png qyoPAy5.pngNaamloos.png.ca31ae17ac441dd15413131645b521ab.png

CzqZ62M.png oLiSjX3.png Screenshot_2016-11-13-19-19-23.png RqDohkR.png 53cc2e9f4e19596131ebbc50b9556df2.png f7925e4d578d9c20259d7cd1c80b6971.png b110b947dee39e9015d020afe532a726.png

07666ed6c8819725d7b4a69ef2709fe4.png 79ebdadf13.png APA_Sand_Crabs_Proggy.png rvbygvxwwpe7c.jpg  bfefab37dd826918f8c9143dbbbcc504.png JOXtrNK.png 84e02056bcc9492eaa31e07e85d4fda7.png







gefDeAO.png KUdURsi.png wdAt9tA.png




Prior to release and during testing:


(above) first crab claw isle trip!







Please note: The script paint may have changed since these screenshots were taken.

Recent Testimonials:

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Starting from CLI:

  • This script can be started from the command line interface. There is a single parameter, which can take two (and only two) values: 'gui' or 'nogui'. 'gui' will start the script and show the gui, 'nogui' will skip the GUI setup and start the script using your save file as the configuration. To start from CLI with 'nogui', the script requires a valid GUI save file to be present - if you haven't already, start the script manually and configure the GUI to suit your needs. Then hit 'Save configuration' and in future starting from CLI will use these configured settings.
  • The script ID is 886.
  • Example CLI startup:

java -jar "osbot 2.4.137.jar" -login apaec:password -bot apaec@example.com:password:1234 -debug 5005 -script 886:nogui

My script will sometimes just randomly turns off or stands there?

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Hey guys, I've got a relatively rested account - has been botted a fair bit. I know you can always get banned etc, and thats fine with me - just wondering what session times you guys have used successfully in the past? I only need to get to 60-70 stats and I'll be babysitting it the entire time. I was thinking sessions of 2-3hrs with breaks of 10mins to 2hrs?

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37 minutes ago, lulwut said:

Hey guys, I've got a relatively rested account - has been botted a fair bit. I know you can always get banned etc, and thats fine with me - just wondering what session times you guys have used successfully in the past? I only need to get to 60-70 stats and I'll be babysitting it the entire time. I was thinking sessions of 2-3hrs with breaks of 10mins to 2hrs?

I wouldn't bot anymore than 5hours a day, from 60-70 it would probs take less than 5 hours with potions. If you plan on doing it longer than 60-70 Id cut back 2-4 hours a day max.


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3 minutes ago, JCY said:

I wouldn't bot anymore than 5hours a day, from 60-70 it would probs take less than 5 hours with potions. If you plan on doing it longer than 60-70 Id cut back 2-4 hours a day max.


Just plan to get nmz rdy stats then bot it in nmz a fair bit. Will shake it up with some quests and skills :) thanks! 


Still would love to hear others experience. 9ne thing I was thinking was getting to ammonites? They would be way lower6ban right? 

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9 minutes ago, lulwut said:

Just plan to get nmz rdy stats then bot it in nmz a fair bit. Will shake it up with some quests and skills :) thanks! 


Still would love to hear others experience. 9ne thing I was thinking was getting to ammonites? They would be way lower6ban right? 

Yeah. Ammonite Crabs? Should be significantly lower as you need a 2 quests and 100 Museum Kudos. 

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