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On 6/5/2019 at 1:11 AM, greiter said:

Does this Script work with Mirror Mode by chance?

Afraid not. Still Injection only

On 6/5/2019 at 1:29 AM, greiter said:

currently trying this on my pure for the hell of it... lol

Also does not support pures; unless they meet the minimum stat requirements that is

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Im trying it out now on my acount.


stats 45def 52hp 72range 60prayer

Wearing full godhide + arma cbow and basicly max gear for my lvl but i died 3 times now lol -average wave 53 .

havent tried out multi way pray flicking yet , maybe that will solve getting k0d by range hits when praying mage loll

will let you know,


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10 hours ago, rickvv said:

Im trying it out now on my acount.


stats 45def 52hp 72range 60prayer

Wearing full godhide + arma cbow and basicly max gear for my lvl but i died 3 times now lol -average wave 53 .

havent tried out multi way pray flicking yet , maybe that will solve getting k0d by range hits when praying mage loll

will let you know,


boys , it fucking worked like a champ .  switch arma cbow for the karil cbow and its a monster lol


thanks !!!!! 10/10 would bang


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  • 2 weeks later...

i was curious at first, but then i bought it.

after one unsuccsesful Try i bought Blessed d Hide and Karils cbow - switched to multiway Flicking - and Boom it worked like a charm!
this is absolutley Nice! 10/10 would recommend 

But don't let it run for Hours straight guys! Jagex is watching the Caves ..

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  • 3 weeks later...
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