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Perfect Fighter AIO


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22 hours ago, Czar said:

@WhoseThisGuy Gave you a 24 hour trial, let me know how it goes :D

@deadskin For not clicking continue, I will add a handler for magic level-ups. For not attacking enemies, it could be something wrong with your setup, please give more information on your fight area and npcs.

I havent been using any special setup though ;). Was attacking Hill giants in the Varrock/edge Dungeon on a safe spot with magic + autocast enabled. Tried different settings but nothing seemed to make a difference. So comes down to: Safe spot + Magic attack (autocasting) without any other settings which could fuck up the rotation, even tried switching on and off fight area + Anti ban stuff. 


Please help!

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@miniman No need to be rude, I am literally here to help and fix the script to make it perfect for everyone, I have nothing against anybody here, I just need some specific details about bugs. If the banking setup is failing, please, copy and paste your entire fight profile commands list and pm me it, I will run the exact same thing, and it will be fixed within 5 minutes, that's all it takes - but with no data on the bug and just a simple 'not working with tele, keeps failing, fix', it will take much longer. A single tiny difference in a fight profile will entirely change how the script operates, so it may work for me and it may not work for you.

As for auto-saving, I will make some edits to make it not auto save, apologies there.

I am working on making the script as simple as fail-proof as possible so that it can never error out.

@deadskin I will be testing hill giants both with + without a fight bounds set, with safespot enabled in a random area. I already know about the script not continuing after levelling up, so I will fix that ASAP. 

Any screenshots, console logs, actual bug reports will help the updating process go much faster.

@Banes assigning memory can be done via commands, java -jar OSBot.jar -debug 5005 -data 0 -mem 2048 for me :D 

Some things to note:

Safespotting (range/mage) will not attack targets above 7 tiles away

Fight bounds are actually more stable than non fight bounds

Adding a safespot will make the script more stable (in terms of banking) since it knows exactly when it's in a fight zone

Potions should be used carefully, watch the dosage when adding it to bank items

If autocasting and you never plan on casting spells or running out of runes in the near future, you can actually enable range mode and safespot as if training range, it may even work better. Autocasting is different to casting spells, and magic mode was designed for continuous spell-casting (right click spell -> attack npc)

The script will withdraw the exact bank layout when banking. But when in a fight zone (and if it knows its in a fight zone) the script will only go to bank if your bank condition is met, so if you type: bank when loot full - the script will literally stop everything it's doing and go to bank, because it received that trigger. Even if you planned on having a full inventory for a few seconds and then dropping/eating an item, the script's banking trigger has already been executed and it will continue going bank. So be mindful about bank conditions.

Stay tuned guys, tone it down with the rudeness if you can, there is literally no use for it. Got some nice updates coming up ^^ :D

Edited by Czar
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12 hours ago, miniman said:

 So today I wanted to try the banking to see it if was fixed (its not) I went to blue dragons in Taverly with fally tabs, opened up my template and added banking to it with fally tabs out. Didn't work so stopped the script and loaded my the template again, was just going to let it fight/collect loot and bank myself.

Works fine for me after latest update.

Ran it 4 hours yesterday with range and safespot.

For magic I actually used ranged mode with staff and spell selected.

Worked fine week ago.


Only bug I noticed was when I paused script. After resume it stopped to count loot profit. Client restart fixed it.

At the moment I managed to get it working for my personal needs. Will test other aread and NPCs in the future.

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4 hours ago, Czar said:

@xBow does it tele using fally tabs? I will try fix script pausing in the upcoming update asap ^^ :D 

Yes it does.

My testing is stopped for a while. My botting has been extreamly succesful with this script.

Yesterday I used GDK plugin for 30 minutes and today I got banned ?.

Might be coincidence. Been using original perfect fighter few months and nothing bad happened.

Anyway keep up the good work and keep uodates rolling!

Edited by xBow
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Every other script I have from you works PERFECTLY (just want to point that out).

Altho when you use mirror mode this script drains the CPU after a while for me. Even then I have the "low CPU usage" enable. 

If I run for example 2 bots at the same time and stop one of the scripts java will still use the same amount of CPU power for one process as it just did for 2. 

Other than the high CPU-usage I like the scrpit, keep up the good work! :) 

Edited by pigfarmer
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17 hours ago, pigfarmer said:

Every other script I have from you works PERFECTLY (just want to point that out).

Altho when you use mirror mode this script drains the CPU after a while for me. Even then I have the "low CPU usage" enable. 

If I run for example 2 bots at the same time and stop one of the scripts java will still use the same amount of CPU power for one process as it just did for 2. 

Other than the high CPU-usage I like the scrpit, keep up the good work! :) 

The biggest overhead performance wise for mirror mode, is mirroring the client itself, the scripts themselves don't actually use up too much processing power so if you stop a script and the client is still running, you'll notice that it probably will use the same amount of power

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@rsbotting12321 I have a aio magic script and aio fighter, did you train magic with the other script or this one? please confirm. For alching, go to the looting tab, add an item, then there should be an option to high alch or low alch the item. This is the only form of alching that is supported in the AIO fighter. I still have yet to add alching in a safe area but I don't think that is necessary just yet.

As for bans: @xBow any details, which gdk area and how many hours botted, date of creation etc. I highly recommend using GDK for throwaway accounts, it used to be a high ban-rate area due to all the gdk bots a while back, but I am not sure whether it still is, as there are barely any gdk bots around nowadays.

@pigfarmer I am in the process of doing some experiments with what actually adds to mirror cpu gains, perhaps it's the constant grabbing of entities (npcs/objects) which are being mirrored back and forth, who knows. Can you try increasing the reaction timer? From 1000ms (default) to ~5000ms, which is the max - but please don't use any intensive options such as prayer flicking and try not to fight dangerous npcs, because that 5,000 ms timer is actually technically a delay for 5 seconds, and if you can afford to take that risk (being 5 seconds late to npc attacks/eating food etc) then it may be useful for client memory (I'm just throwing ideas around).

Note: usually I tell users to lower the reaction timer for better functionality (faster reactions etc) but with fighting you can get away with a higher reaction timer. If you have used a mining script or a use item-on-item script, it may not lag as much as fighter, which is literally calculating npc distances and filtering npcs every second or so.

@Protoprize really appreciate the fast responses and helping of other users, somebody give this man forum moderator status ^^ :D

@miniman still waiting for fighter settings you have used for blue dragons, I am going to make the script flawless for you, just let me know which settings you have entered so I can debug everything. Thanks!

Also note: the script has been temporarily hidden for a month, due to a few bad updates I did which messed up a few things in the script, I am going over the code and responding to every user's feedback to cater the script to everyone's needs.

In the meantime the #1 mission for the script right now is to make it simpler and more useable and user-friendly.


Posted a small update for ranging, and cannon mode. Latest version: v237.2

- Cannon mode has appropriate delays for re-filling
- Cannon tile is now painted again, F2 to hide paint as usual
- More accurate 'isRanging' detection
- Thrown items (all levels of poison) are detected, e.g rune knife (p) rune knife (p++) etc etc.
-- The script will now know exactly when you are training ranged.

Next update will be a bit bigger, and will feature a slight re-design of the setup window too. Will include magic updates too

Edited by Czar
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2 hours ago, Czar said:

@rsbotting12321 I have a aio magic script and aio fighter, did you train magic with the other script or this one? please confirm. For alching, go to the looting tab, add an item, then there should be an option to high alch or low alch the item. This is the only form of alching that is supported in the AIO fighter. I still have yet to add alching in a safe area but I don't think that is necessary just yet.

As for bans: @xBow any details, which gdk area and how many hours botted, date of creation etc. I highly recommend using GDK for throwaway accounts, it used to be a high ban-rate area due to all the gdk bots a while back, but I am not sure whether it still is, as there are barely any gdk bots around nowadays.

@pigfarmer I am in the process of doing some experiments with what actually adds to mirror cpu gains, perhaps it's the constant grabbing of entities (npcs/objects) which are being mirrored back and forth, who knows. Can you try increasing the reaction timer? From 1000ms (default) to ~5000ms, which is the max - but please don't use any intensive options such as prayer flicking and try not to fight dangerous npcs, because that 5,000 ms timer is actually technically a delay for 5 seconds, and if you can afford to take that risk (being 5 seconds late to npc attacks/eating food etc) then it may be useful for client memory (I'm just throwing ideas around).

Note: usually I tell users to lower the reaction timer for better functionality (faster reactions etc) but with fighting you can get away with a higher reaction timer. If you have used a mining script or a use item-on-item script, it may not lag as much as fighter, which is literally calculating npc distances and filtering npcs every second or so.

@Protoprize really appreciate the fast responses and helping of other users, somebody give this man forum moderator status ^^ :D

@miniman still waiting for fighter settings you have used for blue dragons, I am going to make the script flawless for you, just let me know which settings you have entered so I can debug everything. Thanks!

Also note: the script has been temporarily hidden for a month, due to a few bad updates I did which messed up a few things in the script, I am going over the code and responding to every user's feedback to cater the script to everyone's needs.

In the meantime the #1 mission for the script right now is to make it simpler and more useable and user-friendly.


Posted a small update for ranging, and cannon mode. Latest version: v237.2

- Cannon mode has appropriate delays for re-filling
- Cannon tile is now painted again, F2 to hide paint as usual
- More accurate 'isRanging' detection
- Thrown items (all levels of poison) are detected, e.g rune knife (p) rune knife (p++) etc etc.
-- The script will now know exactly when you are training ranged.

Next update will be a bit bigger, and will feature a slight re-design of the setup window too. Will include magic updates too

@Czar How do I incresse the reaction timer? Cant find it in the menu

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On 3/4/2019 at 12:11 AM, Banes said:

@CzarHow can you assign memory to osbot?

It has somewhat sorted some issues for me in mirror mode, just create a .bat or .sh file (depending on your operating system) and have this line in it

'java -jar (osbot filename).jar -Xmx1024m' 

put it in the same directory and now you should be running with 1024 megs of ram allocated. Most of the time this isn't needed, but it could possibly help in certain scenarios 

25 minutes ago, pigfarmer said:

@Czar How do I incresse the reaction timer? Cant find it in the menu

It's only if you're running mirror mode, you can hold down shift and press f4 to go down in 50ms increments, you should see the change be reflected in the client itself


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On 3/2/2019 at 7:44 AM, Czar said:

Script is temporarily hidden for 1 month guys, so no purchases for the time being - hopefully we can get it back to store earlier. My last update broke something and I had to fix it ASAP.

New update will go live within a few hours max, let me know how it goes :D Version will be: v237.0


Update is now live, good luck guys :D

Can you get it back to the store? I waaaaant it @Czar or is there another way I could purchase it? 


Also, don't know if you remember years ago, but there was another perfect fighter (then they got sued and got shutdown). Don't know if youre the same developer though? Still have an old screenie I can post to see if it is lol

Edited by perf3ctskill
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