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It doesn't do that, it eats all the food in my inventory until i run out and then stands there with the logger continuously spamming low hp and no script interaction from that point until what appears to be death. 

I let the script operate until 15HP and it didn't pull out guthans, realistically it should pull it out below 50HP as there is a significant chance of death below this if guthans hits poorly. 

Also - Save profiles on mac? Is this going to be added soon? 

Edited by Ginkod
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Hi @Czar,

Where is the GDK location? Can I choose myself? if so? wheres the best?

And what recommended stats do you think I should get before doing it?

and what items do you recommend me to wear,

and what items do you recommend me to have in bank (teles,food) etc...



If you answer all this and help me out, you are the best and best best!

Edited by qizrat
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@Czar, thx for implementing the burning amulet tp pretty fast.

By any chance, could you make a separate thread or edit your first post and include a link to something that contains all the patch notes? Think that'd be good for you and everyone else (asking previously asked questions) because then we could just refer to these patch notes regarding this script!

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Sorry for delayed post, brutal black plugin is still not working great :( It still dies to melee, not even the occasional hit but will stand in melee distance and dies pretty quick. Doesn't happen with every dragon but will usually happen within 5-10. Another improvement if possible would be that when it targets a dragon, it will attack once, find a safespot, and then not actively attack but wait for auto-retaliate to actually start fighting the dragon. Because of the competition sometimes, other people will take the dragon from you. If you could make it so it attacks the same dragon after it gets to the safe spot that would be fabulous!

Edit: The death problem occurs when the bot targets a dragon, which it then runs to find a safespot for, in range of another dragon. In the time it goes to the safespot, someone else has to take your dragon, and then a new dragon will spawn on the safespot you just ran to. The bot thinks its still safespotting the first dragon, so it doesn't bother to run from the newly spawned dragon that is targetting you and dies to melee.

Edited by StoneMighty
Found more info
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