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12 hours ago, Czar said:

Oops forgot to mention I found a fix for mac os saving/loading, should be rolled out for the next subversion of the script (#.#version)

As for abyssal demons, what should the script do to those npcs? I can easily add extra support for abyssal demons :)

As for trials, activated gl guys :D 

edit: btw, guthans subversion is live :D

I dont code so i dont know if its possible but something along the lines of after clicking attack on an abyssal demon the bot waits a certain amount of time before clicking again if you are not already in a fight because sometimes they do teleport to a spot that breaks combat completely.

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Yep safespotting without caged npcs needs some extra work I will get that patched ASAP.

Good news for GDK users: fixed a major bug with banking finally :) 

Mac saving/loading has been added, hopefully it works out if it doesn't I have a backup plan. The mac directory for OSBot/Data folder is different that's why, but it should work once this update goes live.

Slayer tower is almost done, I will edit this post once I add all floors

Slayer items/npcs -> which items do you guys need? e.g. ice cooler for lizards, rockhammer for gargoyles?

Lots of dev-time has been freed up since I added these past updates so if there is anything in the script which has been missed or is still not 100% flawless let me know ASAP, me and the second czarscripter will be on it ASAP. :D 

Things I have not forgotten: adding slayer support, adding rock cakes for nmz, slayer tower mapped, soul-bearer support, bbd plugin improvements, and finally dynamic siggies (highscores) for all users who own the script.

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hi Czar, i've just gotten this script and im finding it amazing. Just having trouble with the stronghold plugin bit. When i get it to go to flesh crawlers it opens all the gates but the last two, then if i manually get it into the flesh crawlers room it doesn't attack them, just retaliates. Do you know whats going on here :think:?

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On 5/29/2017 at 8:10 PM, Czar said:

As for death spawn, explain please? I will fix. Are they an npc which spawns alongside the nechyrael npcs? If so just make the script avoid retaliating to npcs which aren't chosen, it is an option in the misc tab :D 

Yes, Death Spawns spawn next to the NPC. However, selecting the option to avoid combat with non-targeted NPCs doesn't stop the script from attacking them, because they attack you. Even with auto-retaliate off, the script still attacks them.

Setting the option in the script to not respond to NPCs attacking you also doesn't work, because that's only for safing. Setting that makes it so sometimes my character is under attack by a desired NPC, but is trying to fight another of that NPC, but can't, because I'm already in combat. It just keeps clicking the NPC while under attack by a desired NPC, until death. 


I can't find a way to avoid fighting those Death Spawns. 

Edited by bottingbandit
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18 hours ago, LovelyThief said:

banking hasn't worked for me once..

That is an extremely vague answer, which fight zone, which bank, which script settings, which npc, which bank, which inventory loadout, I cannot read minds. :s I will fix ASAP as soon as you confirm :D 

Hmm for flesh crawlers which exact door/tile? I will make some further changes ASAP. :D 

For death spawn I will test it out I guess, how do the death spawns disappear? When your target npc dies? My account only has 72/80 slayer so I've never fought them :s Will definitely prioritize this in the upcoming version.

As for chickens and not working, hmm if using VIP client restart the client and make sure you hook the osrs client before logging in, otherwise the script will not launch properly. If not using VIP client hit F9 and paste the console log errors (if any). It currently works for me I just tested at chickens 

As for castle wars banking, I will make the script close the bank before leaving ASAP, update coming up.

Guys, latest script version will be v197 today, it will show v197.0 in the paint once the script has been automatically updated :D 

EDIT: Guys, there is still 2 pending updates for the script, I will let you know once they go live automatically. Just waiting on the update to get processed and checked for security.

Edited by Czar
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