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Perfect Fighter AIO


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Which comment was deleted and by whom (which mod)? The only way comments are deleted is if they are closer to 'flame/hate/offencive' as opposed to 'suggestions/stating problems', by all means post suggestions/bugs since that is what I am here to do; add constant updates :D Just make sure to not flame/hate/offend and it should be fine :)

Activated all trials good luck everyone :D

As to those who have purchased the script, good luck and let me know if there are any suggestions or bugs or new ideas :)

For blue dragons, try the osbot webwalker, it works very well there (the default osbot webwalker which is designed by the devs). To enable osbot webwalker, select the second walking option in the first setup window, the option should be called 'Walk-setting 2'. Good luck, let me know how it goes, I will run a test on taverley blue dragons right now, just in case :)

As for the suggestions on brutal black dragons and the above ground suggestions, thank you for the feedback and ideas, will add an update very very soon. There are some very good ideas nowadays :)

Btw guys, the update for v176 is still pending so there are (2) updates pending currently, should be live today hopefully. There will be another update within a few hours which I will either edit this post or make a new post with the changelog.

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6 hours ago, googleworld said:

When i load script it lags a fair amount is it normal?

tried both modes!

i've had the same problem for a while now, not sure if its the script or the client. Usually happens after starting and stopping the script a bunch of times while doing slayer tasks. If you exit the client and open it back up it will fix the problem for a while.

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It's okay. I guess the two main things that I want to ask for are:

1. Fix the special attack for abyssal dagger; it thinks that is a DDS and continues to try and spec when the spec bar is at >25%.

2. Maybe a tutorial as to how to set up the green dragon bot? I have not yet successfully gotten it to back and bank for me.

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On 5/12/2016 at 4:03 PM, Czar said:

thanks all, please trial the script before purchasing, I will give extra trials just to make sure everything is good ^^ :D

Can I trial mate, been using some free aio script but keep on getting banned. Want to try premium and see if the rates are low since my ban rate is in within 2 days:cate:

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4 hours ago, Tom moose said:

I'm thinking about getting this script, just wondering if it supports stronghold?

it does have pug-in for it. It should work, havn't tested my self. But you can buy it anyways, it's great aio fighter with many features. sometimes gets buggy but op is allways for a fix, so you woun't lose anything.

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Czar,  can u take a look at moss giants?  And is there a way to check where script goes too for the monsters. 

As for moss giants got it on walk 2 doesnt do anything but doesn't do anything even when i put him myself at moss giants located at ranging guild it doesn't even recognize them. 


Please let me know. 

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lost all my stuff ranging at a safe spot somehow:

- safe spot set and I set the range so my character never moved. tested it a few different times over a few hours and it worked perfectly. so no idea what happened. 


INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:15 PM]: Within eating bounds, eating!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:15 PM]: Within eating bounds, eating!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:15 PM]: Within eating bounds, eating!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:15 PM]: Within eating bounds, eating!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:15 PM]: Within eating bounds, eating!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:15 PM]: Within eating bounds, eating!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:15 PM]: [FFA4-BOUNDS] Fighting target at [x=2699, y=3212, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:15 PM]: Within eating bounds, eating!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:16 PM]: Within eating bounds, eating!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:23 PM]: Within eating bounds, eating!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:26 PM]: Lost all items (Steel knife)!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:26 PM]: Gained item (Red d'hide chaps)x(1)
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:27 PM]: Gained item (Archers ring)x(1)
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:28 PM]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=3221, y=3219, z=0] and target: [x=2696, y=3213, z=0], report this to Czar immediately!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:28 PM]: Gained item (Amulet of glory(2))x(1)
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:31 PM]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=3221, y=3219, z=0] and target: [x=2696, y=3213, z=0], report this to Czar immediately!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:33 PM]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=3221, y=3219, z=0] and target: [x=2696, y=3213, z=0], report this to Czar immediately!
[INFO][Bot #1][02/06 09:13:35 PM]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=3221, 

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5 hours ago, Czar said:

Hmm if using VIP client restart client and make sure to hook client before logging in rs, it should work. Otherwise just start the script at moss giants, click 'add npc nearby' while the moss giant text is displayed, or enter npc by name, and it should definitely work ^^ :D


I've tried that didn't work don't know what i do wrong

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@Czar sandcrab plugin does not work at all. I tryed all locations, all options, it would just not move anywhere. 1st time i tryed it walked to bank, opened bank -> start to walk away -> fast click bank again and get in loop of this.
Second and all other times i tryed same session was not doing anything. Logger would show nothing just random stuff like-


EDIT - AIO fighter does not take food from bank. running v176

Edited by guywithlsd
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