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Perfect Fighter AIO


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KBD - not added just yet, but good idea. Will be added alongside a few other new areas that need mapping. Already finished dagannoths for maps, now I've got a few others to do. Will also re-map Chasm of Fire and Forthos dungeon.

Looting ammo, it is possible, however be careful there's an option to loot every single ammo or to only loot your own ammo. If it still doesn't work we may need to add it in the looting table, it depends which ammo you use, please confirm so I can see if it's supported (so I can add it to the supported list, just need the item name).

For bans I recommend avoiding the hotspots such as lumbridge, I recommend keeping botting sessions under 3 hours (1-1/2 if botting at hotspots if you truly must) followed by at least 2-3 hour breaks and repeat. Try to avoid botting on multiple accounts on the same IP, and you should be good. Let accounts rest, try not to bot tutorial island unless you truly must (no disrespect to all the tutorial island bots out there!) Try avoid botting other high risk skills such as agility, blast furnace etc and then immediately switching to fighter etc.

Rune dragons I'll be adding an example for the save profile so that it's easily configured, it can be tedious building a new fighter profile for rune drags IMO, I have a few examples sitting and I'll post them online, until we get the new Profile Repo system (which allows us to share profiles optionally), and it'll have a long list of example profiles for various npcs/slayer npcs around the game. As for brutal drags I'll check out the entrance/exit for those and update them.

Range/mage support for tasks - yep very popular request, those will be added in v268.0 coming up.

Also thank you guys for all the support and feedback, both here and on discord. I've been keeping track as usual - of all suggestions/issues/updates and the next version (v268.0) will have something for everyone. As usual AIO combat scripts are larger so it may take a few days until this update is ready, please stay tuned.

Edited by Czar
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doesnt support bandits that well..  mouse never leaves screen even if option "move mouse outside screen" is selected, doesnt matter if i have afk training selected or not..
and it will try to drink noted pots aswell if they in bag(noted can be unnoted in store), also tried without noted pots to "logout on next banktrip" (teleport to duel arena with ring, and al kharid bank selected, and banking set to when no more pray pots left) but it failed to teleport and stoped the script and let me die

Edited by Mad Jew
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The template didn't really fit the problems I am having so I will just try my best to explain them

1)Script gets stuck at welcome screen. The client log says it successfully dismissed the welcome screen but doesn't and then just sits there.

2)I can't get CLI to work. I have tried numerous times but it doesn't seem to work. In the debugger it says:

[INFO][Bot #1][08/21 10:42:46 AM]: A) Checking if we have the weapon/shield equipped...

Then nothing. I do not even have upgrading or equipping weapons enabled.

java -jar "OSBot 2.5.87.jar" -debug 5005 -login osbotuser:osbotpass -bot botemail:botpw:0000 -script 758:Gfrog -proxy proxyIP:proxyPort:proxyUser:proxyPass -allow norender -world 437

Example of CLI above. Haven't had trouble with other scripts.


Thanks for your time,


Edited by scotth
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Posted a major update to the script, including improvements to the performance of the script. Should now be able to run the bot for longer and allows for more clients to be running. Should see less usage on Task manager too.

CLI - fixed. Will be in version 268.0. As for welcome screen, should be improved with the new mirror client update which is automatic, if you notice any other issues lemme know I'll alert the devchat.

Bandits - will take a look, I've never tried bandits with this script but it should work. Did you have the npc name added or are you just responding to combat? I'll also be adding a way to un-note the potions. As for the noted potions, done fixed. Will also be in v268.0.

Trials - done gl guys, feel free to post some screenshots of results :)

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@ospaul for arrows check if you have 'loot my items' enabled, or 'loot items in fight zone', they could be interfering with the ammo. please confirm your setup so I can help you.

As for ammo taking from the bank - good idea tbh, I like it. I'll add a way to do this.

For the planner (magic & range) will you be switching between these two skills or will you be using this with the stops/alerts conditions? Also would you be interested in a way to train defence via ranged?

For CLI, the id is 758, and for the arguments you gotta type in the saved profile name, so if I have a abyssal demons profile that I named abyss_demons123.txt, I'll type that name into the args. I recommend having underscores for simplicity, otherwise be sure to encase the profile name in "" quotation marks.

Potions should be working better now, more updates underway. No more noted potion drinking bug, fixed :D

Trials - done enjoy :D

Edited by Czar
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