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Perfect Fighter AIO


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Nice update, but is it live yet? Still stays 244.1 in GUI. 

Encountered some issues.

Script could use a priority system. Keeps trying to do multiple actions at once. Refill cannon and running to safespot, switching between tabs etc. Gets stuck in a loop. Gets a whole lot worse when adding more stuff to the list. Looting for example. spazzes out rotating camera, clicking everywhere.

Whenever it refills cannon it sleeps for a good 5 seconds before next action. Including running to safespot or eating.

Alchemy gets broken if attempting to alch a valueable drop (https://gyazo.com/e0408b6bcba3f7bb28531588ffc61e31)

Tele-grabbing only works some times? Set it up to only loot with telegrab, worked fine. Fully set it up with ranging, banking etc and it breaks and picks up normally again.

Set a custom fightzone, leaves safespot to attack NPCs outside of fightzone. Even with smart safespot enabled. (Ranging mode)

Stealth injection btw

Edited by Chris050999
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Love the script my friend, has served me well many times. Just something I've noticed:

- When picking up stackable items or when hopping worlds, the gp/ph often doubles/triples/xxxes itself etc, was jw if this was fixable to stop it being cumulative? (a good example is noted addy bars at aviansies giving like 3m gp ph on script after an hour, but only picked up like 200k). 

I think there may be a few other minor things I've forgotten, but will post if I can remember them.

Thanks a lot for script though!

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Thanks for the feedback guys, will be doing another update today ^^ :D

For custom fight zones - did you select 'only fight npcs in fightzone'? Other than that - the rest of your points will be updated. :D If you have any profiles for the cannon refilling, please post it so I can debug the exact same options and get a more accurate view of the issue. ^^ :D Helps with faster updates.

Same applies for guthans, will be doing another update to allow it to be selectable after loading a profile. Note: it still works, but if you load a profile, it becomes unselectable for the meantime, while I add it. I thought it was fixed my apologies. Will be added in the next update ASAP :D

As for profit being doubled/tripled or added cumulatively, please tell me exactly how I can reproduce this, so I just hop worlds and it will do that? Please confirm and I will add an update ASAP :D

Auto-upgrade gear: I am planning on adding that in the very near future, I would say within the next 2 versions ^^ :D Already got the base system coded, just need to do the rest.

As for trials, activated good luck guys :D There is another update coming so double trial times. 

Thanks all! :D 

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Still encountering same issues with ogresses and mage + looting.

Seems to me no matter what I choose as for the looting options priority for the bot is always safespot.

This is also indicated by the fact that when I try manually picking up the loot bot instantly tries to run back to safespot.

My first setup:

Main: Ogress Warrior, autocast fire strike
Bank: Activated, walk to bank when loot full
Loot: All items typed and added to the looting list, bone burying enabled at 1 bone. Ticks on "Only loot my targets", "Wait for loot to appear", "Loot while in combat", "Prioritize loot", "Ignore loot further than 12 tiles away"
Misc 2.: Ticks on "Return to safespot when no loot left" and "Wait after clicking attack"
ANTI-PATTERN mode, Bot stop condition "At next banking trip"

Second setup: 

Main: Ogress Warrior, autocast fire strike
Bank: Deactivated
Loot: "Loot items over 1 gp", "Only loot my targets" and "Prioritize loot", bone burying at 1 bone
Misc 2.: Ticks on "Return to safespot when no loot left" and "Wait after clicking attack"
ANTI-PATTERN mode, Bot stop condition 40 kills

Everything I missed is on default.

Any ideas/suggestions?

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Hey man, this may give away a method of mine but oh well lol. 

Sometimes the ingame untradeable high alch warning toggle fails, and therefore the bot gets stuck spamming high alch (the item is ecumenical keys lol). Do you think you could add a failsafe so that the bot high alches the untradeable if the message comes up?

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When using Stronghold of Security plugin and killing minotaurs with range while arrow picking is on the bot wil loot every single ammo on the ground even when in combat. This destroys the exp rate. When running the script for a while it stops looting arrows entirely, helped the bot manually to pick up arrows and again started to pick up every arrow whilst in combat.

Any option to change it to pick them only after combat and only like stacks of 5+?

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