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This script is a fucking mess. don't buy this shit.

It just randomally decides that there is no more food in my inventory and teleports back to bank while I still have >20 Manta Rays!

And the dev doesn't seem to even care much. at his last post he promised that he'll fix bugs in the coming 24h; it has been a week since.

3 hours ago, Signatures said:

What's wrong with it?


Can I get a trial @Czar?

Just read the last 20 posts.

Edited by elibelash
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@Czar So i decided to give it a shot and test sand crabs plugin again.

1 - Before breaks start, bots goes to bank - sits there 2 mins saying in black letter on screen - waiting 2 minutes for break to kick in. After those 2 minutes, bot ran back to Crab spot - potted up and only THEN logged out..i mean WTF? why would it run to crab spot to kick in break handler..

P.S. Photos in spoiler is from second test -  this time, it went back to crab spot, killed few crabs, and only THEN break handler started...so it sited there spamming logout, and failed. continued to bot.

2 - F11 - F12 does not work in Plug in, so we cannot select custom tile to break. Even if we could, bugs would happen from part - 1

3 - It does not hop when some one is under me - i have selected - Hop if crashed in GUI so idk how does that part work?

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Have been reading every post in the past few days, glad to see some stuff working and glad to see that some of the code I have recently added (still not posted on SDN just just yet!) have fixed some complaints. Some structural coding is also being done to allow more features to be added. Plugins will be a natural part of the script in the next update, no more dissected scripts. Which means hotkeys will be consistent and saving profiles will be possible.

Haven't seen any complaints for the camera spinning anymore, glad to see that it's improved too.

Map updates are hotfixes and will be available sooner than script version updates coming up since they are not code-based but node based.

Very curious about guthans, specs (a user said the script is not specc'ing? please tell me the exact weapon; it could be a new/unsupported weapon), and iron man looting. These are a bit more complex than the other requests/bugs/suggestions. I need some bug reports ASAP on those. As for cannoning and safespotting I will test, I really hope I am running the same settings as you are, please don't forget to post screenshots of GUI settings so I can use same options and test with the same setup and make sure no bugs happen whatsoever. I also need console logs if something works for a long time then randomly doesn't work (if that ever happens there is always a console log) I want it to be absolutely perfect.

Every single post is noted down on my list and the rest are more easier than the items mentioned above ^.

Iron man looting on the tile which has items from another user is extremely tricky - the client doesn't know which item to take if there are many items on the same pile. I will have to do some experiments but I can't make any promises :( Glad to hear the loot my tile is doing its job more or less (except for those difficult multi tiles) ^^ :D

Bank conditions are receiving a major update, along with adjustments to looting, safespotting and breaks. These are the major hotspots that are in high demand and affect a large portion of the fix.

Just patched a really annoying bug for breaks system. The script will now distinguish users whom take breaks and whom do not - which means script will not act up when breaks are about to reach their trigger. So breaks will be an entire notch better in the next version.

A lot more features which are not mentioned above are being included, including some boring code changes and improvements which allow room for much much better updates in the future. Much respect to the users who are riding along the journey and helping out to improve the script even more. Every little helps ^^ :D My next post is a version update stay tuned :D

Edited by Czar
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Trying to spec with saradomin godsword, confused as to the controls. Enable spec attacks on first page of gui (Main), ive inputted the name 'Saradomin Godsword'on the Misc page and selected it as spec weapon. Spec only above 60 Hp as default is checked and also on Misc 2 wait for 100% spec. I'm confused because it doesn't use spec at all or even switch from main weapon to spec weapon. I have tried using the godsword as the main weapon too. 

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11 hours ago, Czar said:

Very curious about guthans, specs (a user said the script is not specc'ing? please tell me the exact weapon; it could be a new/unsupported weapon), and iron man looting. These are a bit more complex than the other requests/bugs/suggestions. I need some bug reports ASAP on those. As for cannoning and safespotting I will test, I really hope I am running the same settings as you are, please don't forget to post screenshots of GUI settings so I can use same options and test with the same setup and make sure no bugs happen whatsoever. I also need console logs if something works for a long time then randomly doesn't work (if that ever happens there is always a console log) I want it to be absolutely perfect.

Whip main weapon, dds spec: works

Whip main weapon, abby dagger spec: works

Abyssal dagger only: works

Saramin sword only: works

Magic shortbow(i): works

_But when using ONE HANDED weapon+defende with TWO HANDED spec weapon it won't equip defender after speccing._ (do I have to add defender in the primary weapon box too with comma or something?)

If you guys are using only one weapon, tick the special attacks on in the first tab. DO NOT touch the "main weapon, spec weapon" option in other tab.

And if you have main/primary weapon + spec weapon, then use the other option too (it's case sensitive and you need to add "(p++)" etc in it too)

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Hi Czar, I think the script is great and the people who are complaining clearly have unrealistic expectations. I think they forget that a game like Runescape has so many different variables to account for (Especially in the case of combat) and that errors and problems are likely to occur.

Regardless, the only problem I seem to have problems with is the safe spotting functionality the bot in my case seems to die fairly often (This partly my fault as I have been using it Corsair cove, which I believe is unsupported atm for banking?).

For some context the GUI options enabled:

  1. Enable ranging mode
  2. Only loot my targets
  3. Loot my arrows
  4. Eat for Loot
  5. Anti-pattern mode (I don't know if this is what might cause the problems )
  6. Move mouse outside screen
  7. Avoid fighting other npcs
  8. Return to safespot when attacked
  9. Return to safespot when no loot left 
  10. Wait after clicking attack 
  11. Some random loot I added including some items to be high alched

I hadn't tried too many of the plugins only the green drags and stronghold, which both seems to work fine for melee, but once again I had problems with the safespot options. Where the bot would run out of food and stay until it died (I was doing it on fairly low level accounts). I'm afraid I haven't tested since so can't provide much help on this. 

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