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Perfect Blast Furnace


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  On 10/24/2016 at 9:35 AM, Czar said:

Will post an update for coal bag ASAP




Until the latest update goes live, make sure that 26 inventory spaces are free (not 27) when using the coal bag, it works that way biggrin.png

i was using 1 slot for coal bag, 1 slot for the money (when clicking the coffer option it says i must have coins in my inventory) and 26 free slots, i will test it soon without the coins i guess?


edit: ok tried both 26 and 27 free slots, both dont support the coal bag.

it just keeps 27 coals in the bag without using them.


options ticked:

ge support

coal bag support

coffer support

steel bars


what it does:

withdraws 26 coals -> puts them in bag

withdraws 26 coals more -> puts them in bag

so now theres 27 coals in bag, 25 in inventory

then it puts 25 coals in conveyor (27 coals in bag stay in bag)

then it goes to bank and withdraws 26 iron ores putting them in the conveyor belt

takes the steel bars and put the in the bank

then it takes 26 coals and puts them in the conveyor belt

then it takes 26 iron ores and puts them in the conveyor belt

then it takes the 26 steel bars and puts them in the bank

and repeat


now in all the stages it ignores the coal bag.

it does the same with 27 free slots.


it should be doing:

take 27 coals from bank, put them in bag

take 27 iron ores from bank, and run to the conveyor belt

put 27 iron ores, take the coals from the bag and put them in the belt

take the 27 steel bars and deposit them



*or 26 if have to keep the coins in inventory, but it will be nice if u make it withdraw the coins from bank every time it has to refill the coffer.

that way it will be 27 ores each run and not 26. 


Edited by NinjadGuy
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  On 10/26/2016 at 8:29 PM, Czar said:

Hmm, I thought coal bag was only useful for mithril ores and above? (mith, addy, rune) since they all require multiple trips of coal


In any case; I can add coal bag support for steel if it's actually more efficient and/or useful ^^ biggrin.png

it is, almost double ;)

without coal bag its about 1k-1.1k per hour, with coal bag its about 1.9k.

since u basically carry both coal and iron in 1 run instead of 2.

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Added a new update (v42)


- Added coal bag support for steel bars

- Added a few optimizations for the script, now runs faster

- Added a few updates for questing stages


update will be live within 24 hours max, good luck everyone wink.png Happy botting smile.png





Quick proggy:




Next update will be an efficiency update for banking to make it even faster, and add a delay upon opening bank for faster withdrawing/depositing :)

Edited by Czar
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Well the script is riddled with anti-fails and anti-idle systems, so the script doesn't bug out. As for questing, I recently added a few updates so the questing should be much better too biggrin.png
Activated all trials good luck everyone wink.png
Also guys, here is a quick proggy, no staminas, no bucket of water, (so less profit):


update (v44) with new questing update and steel + coal bag update should be live any moment soon :) in the meantime the script is doing very well ^^ :D

Edited by Czar
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  On 11/5/2016 at 11:23 PM, Czar said:

Well the script is riddled with anti-fails and anti-idle systems, so the script doesn't bug out. As for questing, I recently added a few updates so the questing should be much better too biggrin.png


Activated all trials good luck everyone wink.png


Also guys, here is a quick proggy, no staminas, no bucket of water, (so less profit):




update (v44) with new questing update and steel + coal bag update should be live any moment soon smile.png in the meantime the script is doing very well ^^ biggrin.png


Hi. did you just give me a trial? thanks!


It's currently working smooth; only tried it for 2hrs though. My only suggestion would only to maybe work on the speed/smoothness to increase bars/hr. I think 1600-1800/hr is good enough. Good job though smile.png



EDIT: Jinxed it. LUL

[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:53 AM]: Switching state from [TAKE_BARS] to: [TAKE_BARS]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:53 AM]: reached
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:53 AM]: not visible wtf?
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:53 AM]: No bucket of water in inv...
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:53 AM]: Bars are cooled - coal trips reset!
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:53 AM]: Last state was: TAKE_BARS
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:53 AM]: Switching state from [TAKE_BARS] to: [TAKE_BARS]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:53 AM]: reached
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:53 AM]: not visible wtf?
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:55 AM]: taking bars
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:57 AM]: Inventory Changed.
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:57 AM]: Primary result, 0, secondary result 0
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:57 AM]: Price grabbed from cache: 453 -> [179].
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:59 AM]: Last state was: TAKE_BARS
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:59 AM]: Switching state from [TAKE_BARS] to: [null]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:59 AM]: go bank 1
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:47:59 AM]: Going to bank now! null | TAKE_BARS
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:48:10 AM]: Dialogue detected: [30]
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:48:11 AM]: 27
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:48:12 AM]: Inventory Changed.
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:48:12 AM]: Primary result, 0, secondary result 0
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:48:14 AM]: Inventory Changed.
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:48:14 AM]: Primary result, 1, secondary result 0
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:48:18 AM]: Stopping script - you need coins to add to the coffer!
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:48:20 AM]: Terminating script Perfect Blast Furnace...
[INFO][Bot #1][11/06 01:48:20 AM]: Script Perfect Blast Furnace has exited!

For some reason it couldn't find the coins I think? I surely had coins since I was babysitting it.

Edited by fstyle
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