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Memory Leak


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So, 500MB+ of memory and 20%+ CPU is normal for a ranging guild script?



I'm pretty sure that average indeed smile.png

If you will use mirror mode it can go 4 times as much ...


You can always disbale rendeing or use low cpu mode in the settings ^^



Edited by Khaleesi
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depends on the script really. but the client uses standard 500-600mb of ram


What about CPU? Frost Barrows script only takes 30% less CPU than this ranging guild trip?

I'm pretty sure that average indeed smile.png

If you will use mirror mode it can go 4 times as much ...


You can always disbale rendeing or use low cpu mode in the settings ^^




I do, memory remain the same but the CPU usage is 5% less but I still consider it high for such a simple script.

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Yeah the CPU usage is definitely too high.

Does this keep happening after restarting osbot?


Yup, I've made at least one or two post on the thread and the reply was memory leak... Current Status: https://gyazo.com/608a6ada188dd0c8bebf218e80296240 Firefox currently has 4 tabs going, one of which is Youtube. OSbot is currently running on low CPU and disable rendering is still running at 15%. 

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This is the most reasonable conclusion in this thread.

It might also be a bit unoptimized, but having to quickly check things in scripts always results in higher cpu usage.


Yap, happends when you don't cache data ... :D

Loading the same thing over and over can cause huge cpu usage without any reason ^^

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