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Thank you for the detailed bug report, I have fixed it very quickly :D


New update will be live ASAP, latest version: v0.12, please allow a few hours for admins to register it


When i run Czar Spider i get as version 0.08 please update it for us always? and the paint text have been bolded can u unbold them?




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Yeah I use Glory (6).. it is just supposed to withdraw full inven of lobs and go.. this is what happens exactly


1. full inven of loot, it teles with glory

2. runs to bank, opens it, deposits loot

3. withraws full inven of lobs, closes bank

4. re-opens bank and just sits there


E: The error occurs only when I use glory support. It just spams "getting dat glory" in the logger even though I have a glory worn. I tried both (4) and (6) and same thing.


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So sorry, I will post an update right now for glory support!


Is Guthans still supported?


For spiders yes, just make sure you load the items in the setup window like in the main thread, the bot must know that guthans is to be used, so keep the guthans set in inventory when running the script, hit 'load inventory' and once it loads the items, click start ;)

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The bot seems to run fine. Left it on for like 12 h with some longer as usual breaks every hour. Only i get these msges in console at certain intervals:

at perfect.scripting.b.c.coN.j(of:580)
at perfect.scripting.b.c.coN.j(of:854)
at perfect.scripting.b.c.coN.l(of:820)
at perfect.scripting.b.c.coN.M(of:301)
at perfect.scripting.b.c.coN.j(of:737)
at perfect.scripting.b.c.coN.j(of:376)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.NUl.j(af:2360)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.NUl.l(af:1585)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.NUl.l(af:346)
at perfect.scripting.b.b.a.AUx.M(hp:278)
at cOn.onLoop(po:140)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(af:266)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
It ran the first hour and it also ran the last hour for all i know.
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Heres a small convinient suggestion. 

The special attack just gets spammed by script, its kinda bad when its 100% and u spec a mob with 10% hp. :D

Just a suggestion, like if you can get technical, Czar, a threshold(monster current hp) would be perfect. Example 75% or more hp, use spec, if below dont use. Or just have it used once per mob.

Maybe you have an even better idea, never know. :)

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@Smurf the latest client version is : 2.4.58 are you sure, because a startup issue is almost always a client error, it starts up perfectly fine for me :o even on my laptop


@symbol I will code special attacks to be even better, they will be clicked like a human and it will spec when target is higher health, awesome suggestion ! :D I will add it to all my other combat scripts too :D

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Make sure to set food otherwise the bot will get confused. If you are missing any bank items it will also get confused, so just load the correct inventory items and it will be fine :D


As for zombies, you gotta set the map position to where the zombies are, and select the zombie checkbox, otherwise it will not know which place to go


After that it should work, let me know how it goes. I will do a quick test run to make sure everything is fine :)

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