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McD employees be like....


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That's because everyone's incompetent. Most of the time no one has been trained properly, or it's bad management at the McDonalds. When I get an order 'wrong' it's because it's some foreigner who can't speak english properly, or they shout into the speaker box and I mis-understand them. You also have to consider a lot of other factors, if it's busy or not.


But bottom line, nah they don't deserve a raise, the jobs easy as fuck. 

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McD is not as easy as it seems. It is so corporate that for everything you make there are certain steps to doing any process there. Also during rush hours it is hard af, and everyone trynna do shit asap gets pretty crazy. Not just chilling and standing around. 

Source: Used to work McD's first job. $8.25/hr at Illinois is pretty shit & you dont even get full time because they dont want to pay insurance for yo ass.

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