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Sup guys!


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Greetings one and all.


New to this site but definitely not new to botting.

Botted my main to basically max (alot of 99's and most 85+) in 2011/2012 before getting temp banned and got my stats reset in half because I tried a frost dragon script in beta and fell asleep...




I'm 18 years old, from Singapore and sitting for my GCSE's.

Was a super mod in a fairly  popular RS bot forum in 2011/2012 until the owner had to close both sites down due to legal reasons. (not sure if I'm allowed to post the name of said site)

I like melodic hardcore, metalcore and punk music. (Trophy Eyes, Worthwhile, Counterparts, Defeater etc.)

Have a PS4 but only play FIFA atm, waiting till November to get games like Witcher, Fallout, BO3 etc.

Edited by Worthwhile
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