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Perfect Motherlode Miner


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so it seems like this script is only working on stealth mode. I still can not seem to get it to work on multi ore mode. When you select multi ore mode the script does not repair struts even if you select it leading to the bot standing at the hopper for minutes at a time until another bot (or somone fixes it). Maybe add a setting to the regular mode to like say deposit x inventories (set to 1,2, 3 etc). Idk if this would solve the issue, but I can only get this too work consistently by selecting one area and using regular mode which deposits ore in bank after every inventory.


**mirror mode is just too slow even at 50ms

Edited by mrklutch65
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16 hours ago, mrklutch65 said:

so it seems like this script is only working on stealth mode. I still can not seem to get it to work on multi ore mode. When you select multi ore mode the script does not repair struts even if you select it leading to the bot standing at the hopper for minutes at a time until another bot (or somone fixes it). Maybe add a setting to the regular mode to like say deposit x inventories (set to 1,2, 3 etc). Idk if this would solve the issue, but I can only get this too work consistently by selecting one area and using regular mode which deposits ore in bank after every inventory.


**mirror mode is just too slow even at 50ms

I wanted to update this - the issue is that when you run multi-ore mode the script does not repair struts thus it sits at the hopper until somebody else repairs the strut. Would advise that you don't use multi-ore mode if you are afking. The regular mode where it banks every inventory seems to be working fine.

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Starting with an empty inventory and empty hopper, bot will mine full inventory then sit at the last spot mined whilst spamming this in the log..

	[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:18 PM]: We still have ore to mine...
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:20 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:23 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:26 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:29 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:32 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:35 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:38 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:41 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:44 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:47 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:50 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:53 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:56 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][09/27 02:25:59 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"

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Hey Czar, giving this script a go right now, loving it however is sometimes a bit buggy when moving past rockfalls. Could be a one off, will keep an eye on it though. Also would it be possible to add a 'hover over next ore/action' feature added. eg when running from ore to deposit point, after clicking deposit point while waiting for character to move, right click and hover the collection sack. (or when waiting for character to move to rockfall to clear, have the mouse hover over minimap where the next destination is instead of waiting for the rockfall to be removed before moving the mouse) Overall good script!

Edited by ishaunm
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Thanks Czar, 99 Mining achieved using Perfect Miner for levels 1-30, from 30-92 using this script and 92-99 using Perfect Miner again. Amazing flawless scripts and if I had any problems at all you fixed them immediately. Would recommend both this; Perfect Miner & Perfect Motherloade Mine to anyone. 


Edited by Space
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6 hours ago, Space said:

Thanks Czar, 99 Mining achieved using Perfect Miner for levels 1-30, from 30-92 using this script and 92-99 using Perfect Miner again. Amazing flawless scripts and if I had any problems at all you fixed them immediately. Would recommend both this; Perfect Miner & Perfect Motherloade Mine to anyone. 


How long did this take? any tips for someone wanting to do the same?

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8 hours ago, pupu_pot said:

How long did this take? any tips for someone wanting to do the same?

I started mining a few months ago but I've had intermittent internet connection making it near impossible to get the xp p/day I should have got so the grind took a little longer than it should have. all in all I think it took me about 2-3 month to get 99

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Yes I can make some improvements to the speed, where is the bot waiting 10 seconds for you? During mining if you mine an ore quickly or during movement? In any case I will take another look at the code.

As for bans, please make sure to bot carefully, nowadays you need to have a good strategy when botting - also make sure not to bot too many skills/scripts at once, and no multiple account botting otherwise (in my opinion + in my experience) it is insta-ban.

As for the script clicking on the ladder after clicking on ore, I will take a look at this and add an update ASAP. Do you have any relevant logs and/or gifs of this happening? Regardless, will be posting a new failsafe update in a few moments.

@feack how do you mean, please elaborate. Which features would you like to see improved? More so on antiban or actual script logic? Please confirm.

Thanks guys!


Okay guys, new update is almost ready. Here is the new changelog:

New Update (v110)

- Added 'fast mode' to the script
-- Script is now able to refresh and cycle faster, please make sure you have a decent machine.
- All the old, long delays are now optional in case you want extra anti-ban.
- No more long delays after climbing ladders.
- Added correct detection for upstairs vs downstairs map checker
- Added failsafe for climbing downstairs when mining ore upstairs.

Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, script paint will show v110.0 when the update is officially live. Good luck guys :)

Edited by Czar
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the bot keeps walking to a radom spot and then back to the bank, in repeat.

using the latest version on mirrormode 


 [INFO][10/17 05:03:52 PM]: Started bot #1
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:03:59 PM]: Initializing 39 API modules...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:04 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 66 minute(s), you will break for 64 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:04 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Item Definitions loaded: 24252
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Definitions loaded: 24252
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: 23 APIs loaded
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: "eq_loaded" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Launching setup window...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: .. success!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Loading script...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: We are in SDN mode, let's load via resources
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Banks added: [53]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Floors added: [30]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Scenery added: [2]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Entrances added: [58]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Carpet rides added: [4]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Ships added: [5]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Agility shortcuts added: [13]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Fairy teleport added: [38]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Teleport spells added: [12]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Stronghold added
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: NPC teleports added: [1]
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Added al-kharid gate (payment)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:05 PM]: Added 14500 nodes to graph in [640ms].
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:08 PM]: Yay!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:09 PM]:  4 actionpoints ready
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:09 PM]: "ss_max_ore" changed to "162"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:09 PM]: "ss_suh_walk_last" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:09 PM]: "ss_suh_cv" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:09 PM]: "invisible_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:10 PM]: We still have ore to mine...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "aa_mlm_agility_shortcut" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_dpa_special" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_avoid_players" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_anti_idle" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_upper_mode" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_ur1" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_multi_ore_mode" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_target_ore_sack" changed to "81"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_force_sector" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_drop_gems" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ab_antipattern" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_repair_mode" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_prewalk_sack" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ab_move_mouse_outside" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ab_mlm_more_rockfalls" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ab_longer_delays" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_hop_worlds" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: Multi-ore mode detected, making sure we drop all gems...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_drop_gems" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_deposit_box" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_deposit_all" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_random_strut" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "ss_random_path" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: Multi-ore mode activated!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: Sectors chosen: (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:20 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:23 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:24 PM]: Using route false to position [x=3765, y=5668, z=0] (5) tiles away
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:24 PM]: NoOb: in mlm
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:24 PM]: no obstacle found, try find the nearest rockfall!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:25 PM]: Using route false to position [x=3765, y=5668, z=0] (5) tiles away
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:25 PM]: NoOb: in mlm
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:26 PM]: no obstacle found, try find the nearest rockfall!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:26 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:29 PM]: "available_ore" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:29 PM]: Using route false to position [x=3764, y=5660, z=0] (8) tiles away
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:29 PM]: NoOb: in mlm
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:29 PM]: no obstacle found, try find the nearest rockfall!
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:30 PM]: Using route false to position [x=3764, y=5660, z=0] (8) tiles away
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:30 PM]: Using route false to position [x=3764, y=5660, z=0] (8) tiles away
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:30 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Motherlode...
[INFO][Bot #1][10/17 05:04:31 PM]: Script Perfect Motherlode has exited!

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Just realized the problem, I will post another update in a few minutes, so sorry guys! It should be back to normal in a few moments :D

In the meantime, please enable the following options: 

- Make sure to choose a custom sector, I chose south-east as an example
- Enable the option 'force stay in the sector'

And it will work very well ^^ :D

Edited by Czar
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On 10/17/2019 at 8:27 AM, Czar said:

Yes I can make some improvements to the speed, where is the bot waiting 10 seconds for you? During mining if you mine an ore quickly or during movement? In any case I will take another look at the code.

As for bans, please make sure to bot carefully, nowadays you need to have a good strategy when botting - also make sure not to bot too many skills/scripts at once, and no multiple account botting otherwise (in my opinion + in my experience) it is insta-ban.

As for the script clicking on the ladder after clicking on ore, I will take a look at this and add an update ASAP. Do you have any relevant logs and/or gifs of this happening? Regardless, will be posting a new failsafe update in a few moments.

@feack how do you mean, please elaborate. Which features would you like to see improved? More so on antiban or actual script logic? Please confirm.

Thanks guys!


Okay guys, new update is almost ready. Here is the new changelog:

New Update (v110)

- Added 'fast mode' to the script
-- Script is now able to refresh and cycle faster, please make sure you have a decent machine.
- All the old, long delays are now optional in case you want extra anti-ban.
- No more long delays after climbing ladders.
- Added correct detection for upstairs vs downstairs map checker
- Added failsafe for climbing downstairs when mining ore upstairs.

Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, script paint will show v110.0 when the update is officially live. Good luck guys :)


What I want(ed) to see improved was the script logic. So the delays were extremely long, talking about 5 - 10 seconds before clicking inbetween gathering the ores. I'm fine with delays between clicking ores, as that's what acual players do. However, when collecting the ores, real players don't wait 5 - 10 seconds in between clicks. That makes / made the bot stand out compared to actual players imo. The updates that you just made sound great! I'll test them out later :)

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