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Journey to max main using Czar Scripts Only


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March 26

post-155308-0-67441500-1427409776_thumb.png going for 99 attk str def range magic thinking about 1-2 months for it this acc is 6 days old from lvl 3 on osrs the rs3 is maxed out on this acc also from 08 wish me luck boys will update every day


Ps: Also i play legit during the day 


March 27 went up 1 str lvl 8 range lvls going to get 75 str and 70 range today maybe more



May 3- haven't been Botting really but I'm back too it going for all 99 combat stats should have within 2-3 weeks i will be going ham



May 5- going for 90 def 90 str 90 attack will have in 1-2 days



may 6-went up 2 defense levels



may 8- went up 2 str lvls  1 attack lvl and 1 hp lvl


may 9th-13th didn't bot ill be updating tomorrow with new updates


May 20th-took like 4-5 days off botting but started up again at 93attk


May 26th-99 attack will post pics soon


May 27th- Used @Khaleesi Agility script will be purchasing it to go 70+ agility went from 1-54 


May 28th-93 defense atm will post pics tomm also running a 2nd acc now going to bring this one up to max also but quicker since i will be yoloing the shit out of it


June 2- About to hit 99 defense will post pic when i do going to start posting pics of my 2nd acc also


June 10-97 def haven't botted in so long going to go for 99 def tonight


June 14- hit 99 def going for my last melee 99 then will post screenshot then will work on 99 range

Edited by imstakingallday
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  On 3/26/2015 at 10:47 PM, clucku said:

Going to use rockcrabs,experiments, and some other stuff switching it up each day

ah right. but may i ask why rock crabs and experiments at that level when you could nmz? i spose cause there isnt a nmz script on here that banks and stuff. but still im sure there is something for higher xp

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  On 3/26/2015 at 10:50 PM, Manifesto said:

ah right. but may i ask why rock crabs and experiments at that level when you could nmz? i spose cause there isnt a nmz script on here that banks and stuff. but still im sure there is something for higher xp

i dont have guthans lol if i did i would do it without botting 

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  On 3/26/2015 at 10:56 PM, Kyle said:

gl man, 



buy gold bro. guth isn't that much. plus, if you survive the gold trade, you won't be banned for botting biggrin.png

im broke irl i spend my money on protein creatine and shit lol but i have bought gold before but spent it

Edited by clucku
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