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Well since the dxp started yesterday, I only had the chance to log-in today and get that divination up for my max cape. So I went into my main and noticed a new message in the msg box. I went in to check and it was jagex inviting me to be a pmod. Lmao, u wot m8???


tf should I do lmao, this mean I can't curse like at all ig or what??

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I really dont want to potentially risk my account lol :D been playing for quite a long time now not to mention the time i've put in, but yea basically they just wanted to see if I waant to accept or decline the offer and a lot more shit like what it means to be a p mod and something i actually didnt know was: "A great addition is you can now access the Moderator forums Your access to the Moderator forums is crucial if you accept this responsibility"


the fuckers have a private forum for themselves, shit - im also on the forums 24/7 so it would be nice

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