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Perfect Rock Crabs


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Cool I guess nice man! 

But that makes 3 tongue.png


Also, I suggest against adding cannon support as that will ruin rock crabs (potentially). This was the reason I didnt add it as it would damage the experience other customers were recieving and as the demand was high, it would most likely happen on each world. Also, I removed 'agressive mode' from my script because users were complaining that other bots were taking theirs and they were getting lower exp rates. And those that did have agressive mode on were being reported more (for stealing other peoples rock crabs) so I agreed with a handful of my customers that it is an option which isn't beneficial. also, I had pseudos script in mind when implementing/ removing features, I didnt want to damage his reputation by ruining the experience recieved by his customers also




Edited by Apaec
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