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Link to a picture of what I mean, does this every now and then



Same thing on wildy atm, but first one so far, http://gyazo.com/a560ca3dc6108499c254eeae7f505a12


Thats awkward... I'll try to find out why it is doing that.

Does it correct itself after some time?

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I have left it for a while, But I will see how long it will take next time It does happen,

http://gyazo.com/6021d69af78ee58185a7328b4f7be719 Left it sitting there for near 10min, This other guy ran around the course 4+ times, and didn't correct itself.


OK thanks for the information,

Does it correct itself when u move the mouse, or does it goes back to the old position?


could you add me on skype?

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OK thanks for the information,

Does it correct itself when u move the mouse, or does it goes back to the old position?


could you add me on skype?



When I move the mouse it does correct itself, and im happy doing that, But just incase anyone else has problems like this in the future.



Don't bother, it's OSBot 2.2.5 version, it's confirmed and it will be fixed next release.

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Hey man, just a heads up. But on the Falador course, where it interacts with the "Hand holds" on the 2nd roof. Various camera angles don't allow the cursor to interact properly. I think it was facing slightly North West at a lowish point when it happened for me. Although it did seem to correct itself after some time.


OK thanks for the heads up, I'll see what i can do about it.



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Really bot-like camera action going on while doing the varrock course




Honestly, I'd be guessing that's interaction method from osbot, or even normal rotations of camera using API will sometimes fail miserably and produce this... Not much to do, I'm planning on reporting it to the developer soon. It happens quite often on 'edgy' or strangely placed terrains. Was especially bad in underground when I was testing interaction with chaos druids in edgeville dungeon.

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Really bot-like camera action going on while doing the varrock course





Honestly, I'd be guessing that's interaction method from osbot, or even normal rotations of camera using API will sometimes fail miserably and produce this... Not much to do, I'm planning on reporting it to the developer soon. It happens quite often on 'edgy' or strangely placed terrains. Was especially bad in underground when I was testing interaction with chaos druids in edgeville dungeon.


Ya I'm aware if this issue, tried to solve but don't want to hardcode every object... and since osbot takes more then weeks to fix an simple update i rather keep it that way then rewriting my methods AGAIN, Eeven while that can be fixed in 10 min in the API.



Ya reporting bugs... if you have 4 weeks they might get fixed bcs the priority are webwalking and other stuff we don't need. Better get a stable core first -_-

thx for the post both :)

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