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Supreme Leader - Scammer


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Hello everyone, if you did not already know the user SupremeLeader, also known as 'Justin' is entirely a scammer. He was banned from OSBot about a week ago for alternate reasons, but now I will explain the truth of his ways.


To begin, he stated he would pay @Raflesia and I $150.00 USD for our forum work - 




The site went live June 1st, and no payment was given on the day it launched. We kept asking him every other day with numerous excuses being given, and eventually today we thought we made progress even though we were entirely wrong. I approach him about payment, and he purchases 30m from @Probemas (recommended Gold seller for the record). A few hours later I proceed to collect my payment, and yet another excuse is given -




The user in question claims to produce a steady income and have already accumulated approximately $300,000 from botting. Yet, whenever I ask for my payment "on a game which has earned him thousands", he claims his account was hacked, which, I was never told was an occurring problem.


Also, here is the user threatening to DDoS -




And last but not least, the user asking to pay people to say good things about him on an alternate botting website -




Well, I hope this shines some light on the situation. Please make sure never to undergo a trade with the user and make sure that you keep him blocked at all times. If you have any questions feel free to ask!


Note: For the record, the site and work we put together was saved but completely deleted from his grasps.

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Well if he actually has $300k in his bank account knowing how he acts he could start being a little bitch about it.

he hasn't made any money off this game. He also said he was in the military five years ago at the age of 13: we catch him in lie after lie. I recommend no one reading with him he will chargeback or scam.
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Can't you get in trouble for site defacement now.


We made sure that everything lined up so that we were not in the wrong, but rather, he was.


Well if he actually has $300k in his bank account knowing how he acts he could start being a little bitch about it.


Well, he claims he made $300k off of Runescape, and yet he tells me that his accounts get hacked constantly. So I'm almost positive everything that comes out of his mouth is indeed a lie.

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I see a lot of bullshit there (edit: of what Supreme Leader did, I agree with @Smart), Supreme Leader was always "kind" with hosting a Minecraft server for an alternate botting site, but tbh, one day he just started bitching and I never knew why. I don't like to hold grudges, so I've nothing against him, it's sad to see this come down to what it is (along with Osbot).


Jk bout that last remark

Edited by before
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