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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Joe

  1. and then youll wake up one day and realise how sad u are
  2. Atleast we can laugh at them destroying a game twice over with the same mistakes, oh well.
  3. lol'd. but gj and keep it up ^^
  4. i swr on me mam ill quik scope u if u dont shutup m9
  5. ahaaaaaaaaaaaa my niqqa holding him up while someone otha ********a try grab him this is so fucking funny, but then again its 4 black grown males bullying a kid making him cry.
  6. day 17: the cancer has now reached my brain
  7. Yes this is what I'm saying, the pic trust posted is the correct way to do it, whereas I've seen pictures of people not hitting enter which can easily be edited.
  8. counter* But yes support, anyone can edit in text if they have the time.
  9. So it's a scripters only event, not really for the 'community'. You should do it like this if you want to involve more than scripters; Make a new SDN category called Weekly Script Competition, you guys all upload your scripts, users download them and test them out and then come vote which one they liked the most. That's more community based and competition like in my eyes.
  10. This one, it's even got that really cool supa mememe face on it XdddXdD https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/6457425920/h54E463D2
  11. Lol good 1 m80 troled me hard!!1!!
  12. Yes the East is relevant, look at the title of your thread. How can you honestly say that killing children for example to stop them being recruited 20 years later is justifiable? What about a blockade to squeeze an army whilst the rest of the population die in agony from starvation? Fine in your mind it seems, it's so sad because you seem to treat human life like a game of battleships. Innocent is anyone that doesn't want to be in a war yet have no choice in it, which is the vast majority. Whether they work in a shoe factory that supply's boots to the army or not, they're still innocent.
  13. Sorry OP but what you're saying is absolutely insane, to think in any way killing innocent human beings is acceptable is quite frankly disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to justify such a thing. 99% of people don't want war as no one wins, remember the easiest way to create a 'terrorist' (aka enemy) is to kill his father, his sons and take away everything he once knew until he gives no fucks. It's all fine sitting on our sofas 5,000 miles away from real conflict speculating about killing civilians, but please take a walk in a Palestinians shoes and watch the world around you crumble, watch your friends and family being slaughtered then come back and ask the same question.
  14. Yeah loads back in the day, I used to sell pre made 99 hunters when you could bot 24/7, got well over 30 accounts 99. Don't bother now though, it just won't happen.
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