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Split up the script categories


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It makes no sense. Brb I want a farming script, oh look at all these herblore scripts.

There is literally 0 pros of having them combined.

The point admins made for this explanation, was that there merely isn't enough scripts for some categories to have their own topic and splitting them up would mkw more clutter.

I agree in a sense and disagree but the pros far outweigh the cons so it's the best system as of now.

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It makes literally no sense to have them combined. Everyone on this site knows what they are going to bot, why in the world would you combine them. If there is only 1,2 or none scripts for the skill then so be it, itll promote someone making a script since there is no competition



Combining skills just to compensate for lack of scripts of another skill is just dumb and serves no purpose. 


For example, if someone wants a farming script they have to click farming and herblore. All they will see is herblore scripts, how in the world is this benefitting anyone lol..

Farming is made for herblore

Woodcutting is made for firemaking

Fishing is made for cooking


and the other ones..



No one starts a wood cutting script just to level firemaking



Not many people think "Let me start fishing loads of fish so I can then run a cooking script and cook all those fish"


Farming isn't made for herblore


Also, all of that is besides the point that when someone decides to bot a skill they already know what they are looking for, combining categories is just inefficient 

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False, that's one of the key roles of marketing: convincing people into trying/acquiring something new they weren't aware of.


Grouping the skills that are related is a smart thing to do from a marketing pov tbh.



Lmao no.


"Man I wanna make some money by woodcutting let's see what we got, oh hey look at all these firemaking scripts nvm"



It isn't marketing, and there is no convincing, you can state theories but without any actual data you're claims are baseless

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Lmao no.


"Man I wanna make some money by woodcutting let's see what we got, oh hey look at all these firemaking scripts nvm"



It isn't marketing, and there is no convincing, you can state theories but without any actual data you're claims are baseless


The target market for people buying herblore scripts includes the group of people that have herbs in their bank and buy scrips. 


The people who bought a farming script have herbs in their bank and buy scripts. 

"Man I wanna make some money by woodcutting let's see what we got, oh hey look at all these firemaking scripts nvm"



Let's say you bough a woodcutting script and cut 100K willow logs but you can't or don't want to sell them


You check the script's thread  for whatever reason (to complain, check for tips, post a proggie, etc..).


You check the script's type subforum for whatever reason (compare scripts, etc...)


You notice a firemaking script and then realize you have 100K willow logs you can't get rid of.

.. :)

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The target market for people buying herblore scripts includes the group of people that have herbs in their bank and buy scrips. 


The people who bought a farming script have herbs in their bank and buy scripts. 


It also include the group of people who have logs in their bank, the group of people who have ore in their bank.


Most people training thieving spend a large amount of time at master farmer.


We should now combine thieving and farming.



All the theory crafting in the world doesn't matter if there aren't results, and I would argue the "benefit" of having them combined and forcing someone to look at an entirely different skills script, is negligible. 


Furthermore, the reason for it's existence isn't anything we are speaking of. It's simply because some skills don't have enough scripts and they don't want to have empty sections, which I think is a horrible reason to combine skills since 99% know exactly what they are about to bot and are just looking to bot one thing, and the shuffling through another skills scripts on their quest to bot an already predetermined skill is just a distraction.

The target market for people buying herblore scripts includes the group of people that have herbs in their bank and buy scrips. 


The people who bought a farming script have herbs in their bank and buy scripts. 



Let's say you bough a woodcutting script and cut 100K willow logs but you can't or don't want to sell them


You check the script's thread  for whatever reason (to complain, check for tips, post a proggie, etc..).


You check the script's type subforum for whatever reason (compare scripts, etc...)


You notice a firemaking script and then realize you have 100K willow logs you can't get rid of.

.. smile.png




You're setting up straw man arguments with the sole purpose just to argue your point.  Well 1 guy wanted to burn 100k willows out of the thousands who come into the sub-forum, might as well combine them.


Like I said, theory craft all you want, jump to conclusions backed by 0 data, form opinions based on personal beliefs, none of it matters.


Edited by Timekeeper
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 It also include the group of people who have logs in their bank, the group of people who have ore in their bank



Someone with 100K unids in his bank is more likely going to buy a unid cleaning script than someone who has 0. 


Most people training thieving spend a large amount of time at master farmer.

We should now combine thieving and farming.


If I had a farming script I would totally go and target the users of master farmer scripts.


"Hey you have thousands of seed you can't sell easily, what if I told you you can do something usefull and profitable with them?"


(works both ways btw)


 All the theory crafting in the world doesn't matter if there aren't results, and I would argue the "benefit" of having them combined and forcing someone to look at an entirely different skills script, is negligible. 


My Shrooms script is labeled as a money making script.

I started targeting people buying herblore scripts by PMing users who posted on / bought herblore scripts saying that I have a script that could get them tons of herblore XP for free (the script in question collects secondary ingredients for herblore). Sales skyrocketed.

Shrooms isn't a herblore script yet I managed to get people from the herblore script market to buy it.


Edit: I'll be applying the same strategy in the opposite direction now that I have an AIO Herblore script in the store:

"Hey Shrooms users, you have a ton of Mort Myre fungus, why not consider making them into super energy potions with my AIO Herblore script?" 


Like I said, theory craft all you want, jump to conclusions backed by 0 data, form opinions based on personal beliefs, none of it matters.


I have 3 scripts on the SDN.

It's based on personal experience and data tracking.

YOU are the one making statements based on personal beliefs and opinions, we can continue this debate when you are selling scripts like I do.

Edited by Botrepreneur
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