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Farewell friends.


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Hey OSBot community! Today I finally decided to leave. I don't know if I will leave forever, but let's see what future brings to us. I don't think that most of you did even know me, I was a scripter.I made few premium and free scripts to SDN. But I think every scripter here hates me, because all my scripts were so cheap. Because of that @Divinity used to call me money whore, I thought it was funny haha :P But now it is time to leave, school is taking so much time from me so I can't keep my scripts updated anymore. I also gave up on Runescape, because I was scammed. I lost all my cash, 70M. But see you guys have fun botting days with OSBot, it is very good bot. Farewell friends.

Edited by moore
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Hey OSBot community! Today I finally decided to leave. I don't know if I will leave forever, but let's see what future brings to us. I don't think that most of you did even know me, I was a scripter.I made few premium and free scripts to SDN. But I think every scripter here hates me, because all my scripts were so cheap. Because of that @Divinity used to call me money whore, I thought it was funny haha tongue.png But now it is time to leave, school is taking so much time from me so I can't keep my scripts updated anymore. I also gave up on Runescape, because I was scammed. I lost all my cash, 70M. But see you guys have fun botting days with OSBot, it is very good bot. Farewell friends.


Noooo we never hated you, well a few of us didn't including me :( I just use to call you that for the lols :P 


We had a good time and it's sad to see you go, best of luck to you in the future!

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