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Raflesia Demotion


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  • Administrator
Dear Community, 


Sadly, we're here to inform you all that @Raflesia is being demoted. He has had his Skype compromised which has led to various amounts of sensitive information being leaked that was supposed to remain confidential. On top of this incident, Raflesia has came to me proclaiming that he was hiding some things for a prolonged period of time. Shockingly enough, he has been working on another bot that will not be named. He was a former admin there, and now it seems he has been working for them since the day he “stepped-down”. We cannot have a staff member that is divided between two communities with conflict of interest, and for that reason he must part ways from our Staff Team.  We have to protect the community, and with OSBot 2 coming out shortly we plan on growing even larger than before. We do not need anything else happening right now that would potentially hurt our user base.  At this time I will remain as the only Community Manager, with my second in command, and right hand man being @Smart. He has been here and is the most experienced. If we decide to promote another administrator eventually it will be him. In other news, the staff and developers are working hard trying to get all the forum bugs and client bugs situated for the fully functioning OSBot 2 release.  I would like to apologize to everyone on behalf of OSBot for bringing in an administrator that wasn't 100% here and dedicated. This is not meant to take away from what Raflesia has done for OSBot, as he has done wonderful things and will be forever be remembered. Please note that there are no hard feelings towards Raflesia, he is a friend of mine and will always be even though his Administrator duties will no longer be needed.




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