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[IMPORTANT] Please read!


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Seems a lot of staff members skypes are being hacked.


First Eliot now you?


Hijacking a Skype account is deadly easy. You can hack almost everyone you want if you know the trick.

Eliot's case was slightly different. They knew his password so they were logged in on it without Eliot even knowing.


By hijacking, they are forced to change my password and email address, and that is what happened.


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Glad to hear that.

Will you be using extra measures to avoid this from happening and would you mind sharing those with the community so we can all have safer skypes ^^?


There are no ways to block this. There are only ways to make the progress of claiming your account back faster.

I might post a tutorial regarding that.


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There are no ways to block this. There are only ways to make the progress of claiming your account back faster.

I might post a tutorial regarding that.

I have a live account and I believe it to be safer since I use a private e mail no one knows about. They need your log in info to 'hack' your Skype account. Regular skypes are just plain and your log in is displayed to everyone. With live accounts, the login is hidden and only you know it.
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