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A progress update on OSBot 2


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Dear community,


I want to give you an idea where OSBot 2 is at. First of all I want to let you know that OSBot 2 is rewritten from the ground up to tackle some problems that you as a community pointed out. Things like CPU usage increasing over time in a scale of hours, something that never was a huge problem to most users but could be annoying for some. Besides that, increased overall performance is something everyone always likes to see.


By writing an entire new core and taking time to do so, the client will score better at those points. At the moment, there is an abstract core written which is extendable for the most part to write implementations of other server revisions, such as RS3. Whether we will do so or not doesn't matter, it will be reusable. 


The entire GUI of the current OSBot was written using Swing. For OSBot 2 we are using JavaFX. JavaFX might not be as developed in certain areas as Swing, however those area's won't affect us. Besides that, JavaFX performs faster and gives more reliable output when it comes to exceptions. Not to mention, I personally and many others agree, I think that the look and feel of JavaFX is far better and promising than Swing.


At the moment, a lot of the main GUI features are done. The client loads the applet, injects the client, hacks the canvas and such. So from here on, our first focus will be towards designing and organizing the new API. The API will have the same features as seen in the current OSBot and those features will be ported over. This is not a very hard job, most of it will just be refactoring. Other new features will remain secret and will be revealed as progress proceeds.


Besides the API, which its functions will not have to be rewritten, we are planning and thinking about a second scripting engine. The current scripting engine is completely sequential in a blocking fashion. The new scripting engine, don't worry the old one won't disappear, we want to give a fully event driven asynchronous environment where you will dispatch tasks based on events and have control over the queue by using policies for tasks. We are looking forward writing this as Laz and I love writing new and fancy stuff.


There are many other things that need to be done for OSBot 2, but the above is the majority. We can't give you an ETA, we don't want to stress any deadlines and instead focus on its quality. Laz has done a great job on it so far and now I'm joining him in this battle progress will speed up.


I hope you had a fun read,





Thanks for the update. Sounds fantastic.


Now get one Skype and talk to me again :D

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