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Hi there! 

I found this website through searching on the internet for forums and OSRS bot libraries. I've played Runescape since 2005 to around 2010, then again here in 2019. I was never super good; I had one 99 (wc) and never done a boss before. I was one of those that never had over a mil and trained on the spiders in the Security Stronghold.


To my surprise, there's a lot more bot-stuff than I expected out there! By day, I'm a software developer working with Python and Bash for database automation programs on Linux systems. By night, I help some friends with their websites using React and other JavaScript libraries. I've always been curious about Java, particularly making GUIs, and figured OSRS bots would be perfect for the game I love and to get better at an unfamiliar language.


If you can put up with me being a Java noob, I develop daily with Scrum methodologies and am willing to hop on a team to help out!

I'd love any advice y'all have, and hopefully I'll see y'all around!

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Thank y'all for the replies!


37 minutes ago, Space said:

Welcome. Only bit of advice I can give you is to not bot an account you care about. Start a fresh and don’t bot whilst playing legit on the same IP. Best of luck with your endeavour and enjoy your stay

I'm already prepared to never touch my bots, especially testing, when not on my VPN. Thank you!


11 minutes ago, tarxan said:

welcome comrade, care for a drink?

My kind of guy right here

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