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Local script isn't loading


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Hey, I have a problem that's driving me insane. Local scripts isn't loading in OSBot...

I have done this:

1. Set up new project in intellij

2. Imported OSBot library

3. Created new class with a minimal osbot template

4. Added new artifact

5. Built artifact

The .jar is exported to ~/OSBot/Scripts folder but doesn't show up in the script list.

Screenshots of everything: https://imgur.com/a/X3win4U


Any help is appreciated! 

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11 hours ago, Proton said:


Tick that box

I'm 99% sure that's not the issue considering mine works fine without it checked. @gchle You are missing your META-INF. Click on my-script.jar in the window as above in my quote from Proton; And then at the bottom where it says "Show content of elements" a couple option saying to create or use existing manifest should appear. Click "Create Manifest...". Then select the folder the jar file is in which your case it would be bot-test. Then click okay and rebuild the script. It should now show up.

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12 hours ago, Proton said:

Tick that box

Didn't work, thanks though...


3 hours ago, Czar said:

IntelliJ isn't any good for starting - I highly recommend Eclipse IDE, super easy to configure and you'll be scripting within a half an hour ^^ :D 

Android dev since 2016, so won't be happening 😛


1 hour ago, Gunman said:

I'm 99% sure that's not the issue considering mine works fine without it checked. @gchle You are missing your META-INF. Click on my-script.jar in the window as above in my quote from Proton; And then at the bottom where it says "Show content of elements" a couple option saying to create or use existing manifest should appear. Click "Create Manifest...". Then select the folder the jar file is in which your case it would be bot-test. Then click okay and rebuild the script. It should now show up.

Yep, missed the META-INF but it only created a manifest with one line

Manifest-Version: 1.0

shouldn't it contain definitions for classes and stuff like that?

Also, it still doesn't work..... :( 


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Don't listen to czar, he's the biggest noob in osbot.

You might be missing the script manifest:

@ScriptManifest(logo = "", version = 0.01, info = "", name = "AIO FM", author = "Dream")
public class Main extends Script {...}


If you're unsure about a jars contents, there's a cmd that can return classes found in the jar I believe to verify.


oh just realized there was more pics in that imgur link, rip.


Are you using java 11? Hard to tell but you need java 8

Edited by dreameo
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