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6 hours ago, Pudsy said:

Have you unlocked the 'Verdant Valley' and 'Mushroom Meadow' tree teleports? Also, you brought your digsite pendant to the weird machine and used that to unlock the actual option on the pendant? I had that issue and unlocking the teleports w/ the tree and machine fixed it.


this script is actually the buggiest script I’ve ever bought here at osbot. It doesn’t work properly. The “failsafe” either doesn’t work or isn’t programmed correctly. I accidentally left it running and ended up coming back this morning with at least 300 java applications open about a fatal error and that the script has been stopped but it was still running. Still relogging every 20 minutes. It had only done 1 run.

If I’m not banned on Monday/Tuesday my account truly is invincible.

Massive bugs and things that need ironing out:

constantly clicking on the spellbook filtering and ticking/unticking the teleports option whilst doing the run, literally teleporting the mouse from the magic tab (for whatever reason) to empty the birdhouse back to the magic skill tab Even when re-supplying/stocking the birdhouses.

Withdraws 8 logs, withdraw ‘x’ being set to 4. Proceeds to bank all for some reason and do it continuous on a loop. Possibly due to lag or mouse speed is set too fast. For it to happen almost every run I doubt it’s lag.

If your digsite pendant runs out of charges it throws an error thinking you haven’t unlocked the teleport. Proceeds to walk to the next location even though there are 200 digsite teleports with all fossil island mushrooms unlocked.

It constantly and consistently misclicks because of the speed of the mouse causing it to just sit there spamming the clockwork on the birdhouse.

Repeatedly clicks the seeds for no apparent reason and breaks itself.



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9 hours ago, Space said:


this script is actually the buggiest script I’ve ever bought here at osbot. It doesn’t work properly. The “failsafe” either doesn’t work or isn’t programmed correctly. I accidentally left it running and ended up coming back this morning with at least 300 java applications open about a fatal error and that the script has been stopped but it was still running. Still relogging every 20 minutes. It had only done 1 run.

If I’m not banned on Monday/Tuesday my account truly is invincible.

Massive bugs and things that need ironing out:

constantly clicking on the spellbook filtering and ticking/unticking the teleports option whilst doing the run, literally teleporting the mouse from the magic tab (for whatever reason) to empty the birdhouse back to the magic skill tab Even when re-supplying/stocking the birdhouses.

Withdraws 8 logs, withdraw ‘x’ being set to 4. Proceeds to bank all for some reason and do it continuous on a loop. Possibly due to lag or mouse speed is set too fast. For it to happen almost every run I doubt it’s lag.

If your digsite pendant runs out of charges it throws an error thinking you haven’t unlocked the teleport. Proceeds to walk to the next location even though there are 200 digsite teleports with all fossil island mushrooms unlocked.

It constantly and consistently misclicks because of the speed of the mouse causing it to just sit there spamming the clockwork on the birdhouse.

Repeatedly clicks the seeds for no apparent reason and breaks itself.



Oof. I actually had the same fatal error windows open this morning as well. I even made an effort to turn the teleports on so they were viewable to the bot (to help with the spam clicking teleports) and this morning they were turned off entirely. My computer was so bunged up from the open Java windows I couldn't get the client log, I'll try to find the other one, though.

It made 5 runs total and stayed logged in at the spot where you end up if you take the boat from digsite to Fossil Island. RIP my (throwaway) account, probably.



I think there's some sort of conflict between the 'making birdhouses' and using 'premade birdhouses'. I'm no Java expert, so don't trust me to know for sure. Do you have someone you could send the code to for a look-over? This seems like it's one of those stupid coding problems where 2 things are swapped and it's breaking it. I'm going to continue running this and possibly record-screen the window, as I need to leave soon and this account is probably toast anyways. Any further issues or tweaks, I'll DM you, and I'll also let you know if anything shows up on the recording. That way I can give a more detailed explanation as to exactly what the log is saying vs. what is happening ingame. I'll also play with other settings as well and see if this could be something easily fixable or if it would need a rewrite 😱

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12 hours ago, Space said:


this script is actually the buggiest script I’ve ever bought here at osbot. It doesn’t work properly. The “failsafe” either doesn’t work or isn’t programmed correctly. I accidentally left it running and ended up coming back this morning with at least 300 java applications open about a fatal error and that the script has been stopped but it was still running. Still relogging every 20 minutes. It had only done 1 run.

If I’m not banned on Monday/Tuesday my account truly is invincible.

Massive bugs and things that need ironing out:

constantly clicking on the spellbook filtering and ticking/unticking the teleports option whilst doing the run, literally teleporting the mouse from the magic tab (for whatever reason) to empty the birdhouse back to the magic skill tab Even when re-supplying/stocking the birdhouses.

Withdraws 8 logs, withdraw ‘x’ being set to 4. Proceeds to bank all for some reason and do it continuous on a loop. Possibly due to lag or mouse speed is set too fast. For it to happen almost every run I doubt it’s lag.

If your digsite pendant runs out of charges it throws an error thinking you haven’t unlocked the teleport. Proceeds to walk to the next location even though there are 200 digsite teleports with all fossil island mushrooms unlocked.

It constantly and consistently misclicks because of the speed of the mouse causing it to just sit there spamming the clockwork on the birdhouse.

Repeatedly clicks the seeds for no apparent reason and breaks itself.



Hey Space, appreciate the feedback, I made an oopsie with the code for the pop-up error window. It was like 5 am in the morning and I forgot to add one line which actually stops the script when the window pops-up (d'oh). I just put in a change for this and when it is live (hopefully within 24 hours), it will stop the script as soon as one window has popped up. 

I started a bot when I pushed the first updates (Early Saturday morning) and it is still running fine right now. So, I am a little bit confused as to why you are having these issues, but I really appreciate your thorough input.

In terms of the other issues you reported, it seems like it is getting stuck in a while loop somewhere. My next update will be eliminating all while loops in the script as this seems to be causing a lot of the issues. I will keep you updated, just bear with me here. The script is still new and once we have fixed all the issues I am confident that it will run very smoothly. Like I said before to other people, I will personally send you your money back through PayPal, if you lose all faith in the script.. 

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Quick question for you while I am trying to recreating your issues, did you ever pause the script at any point when these issues happened? Thanks

I'm going to record a video of one of my bots running 10 or so trips in a row, so maybe you can pinpoint what your bot is doing differently and when. Or if there are certain settings that are different. 

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2 hours ago, Space said:

No, When I ran into errors I stopped the script from running and restarted it hoping it would cure it.

I am a bit befuddled by the errors you said you were experiencing as most of them should not even be possible. For example you said "If your digsite pendant runs out of charges it throws an error thinking you haven’t unlocked the teleport. Proceeds to walk to the next location even though there are 200 digsite teleports with all fossil island mushrooms unlocked.". But in the script, the only way for the option change notice to be initiated is if your chatbox contains: "You have not yet unlocked that destination". There are no other ways for that to occur. 

I'm not doubting you by any means, I just cannot understand how this is even possible. Especially because my bots run fine. Can you try running the script one more time on a freshly opened client and tell me if you run into the same issue? If you are using mirror mode, I have found that after a while of using the same client, it can lead to odd issues occurring.

 state = "Using Digsite Pendant to tele to Fossil Island";
                    if (equipment.interact(EquipmentSlot.AMULET, "Fossil Island")) {
                        Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> fossilTele.contains(myPlayer()), 5000);
                        if (chatbox.isVisible() && chatbox.contains(Chatbox.MessageType.GAME, "You have not yet unlocked that destination.")) {
                            useDP = false;


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I don't know whether it's due to the fact I started the script with (1) Charge left on the digsite pendant, the second time I started it without a pendant equipped and it threw up another java program stating that  "Option Change Notice" - You have not unlocked the fossil island teleport. Digsite pendant option turned off. Both instances I tried, with (1) Charge, No pendant equipped and even tried again with a fully charged pendant after I restarted for the third time, It worked down until the pendant crumbled away then said ^


I have experienced problems with Czar's scripts and reported them to him directly through Discord which are almost always fixed in the next update, I did experience an issue with the API bugging out, wonder whether it's the same issue here or completely different.

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13 minutes ago, Space said:

I don't know whether it's due to the fact I started the script with (1) Charge left on the digsite pendant, the second time I started it without a pendant equipped and it threw up another java program stating that  "Option Change Notice" - You have not unlocked the fossil island teleport. Digsite pendant option turned off. Both instances I tried, with (1) Charge, No pendant equipped and even tried again with a fully charged pendant after I restarted for the third time, It worked down until the pendant crumbled away then said ^


I have experienced problems with Czar's scripts and reported them to him directly through Discord which are almost always fixed in the next update, I did experience an issue with the API bugging out, wonder whether it's the same issue here or completely different.

It's got to be some sort of weird one off occurrence. Try running it one more time please 🙂. Like I said, I'm going to leave my screen recorder on while I go to work tomorrow so I can show you how it is supposed to run flawlessly.

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My account hasn’t been banned and hopefully won’t be either. Im going to rest it for a few days after the script breaking over night for 8 hours and start again in a few days just in case the account is being watched. I’ll let you know my findings later this week.

Is there any plans to incorporate another skill into this whilst it’s waiting for example a farm run or something else? 

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My account hasn’t been banned and hopefully won’t be either. Im going to rest it for a few days after the script breaking over night for 8 hours and start again in a few days just in case the account is being watched. I’ll let you know my findings later this week.

Is there any plans to incorporate another skill into this whilst it’s waiting for example a farm run or something else? 

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10 hours ago, Space said:

My account hasn’t been banned and hopefully won’t be either. Im going to rest it for a few days after the script breaking over night for 8 hours and start again in a few days just in case the account is being watched. I’ll let you know my findings later this week.

Is there any plans to incorporate another skill into this whilst it’s waiting for example a farm run or something else? 

I doubt it will be banned, but I understand your concern. I put in a massive change last night getting rid of all of the while loops. It seems that this is what was causing all of the odd behavior. Even though they are scripted properly, for whatever reason they bug out after a while and it starts to run like all of the loops at the same time. I think it may be related to SDN because like I said, I've never had these issues before testing the script on my comp. 

I am very confident when this change goes live it will fix the issues with it trying to do a million things at once and moving the camera and such. I'll let you know when it is up on SDN

38 minutes ago, bluelighty said:

Bot is bugging out at the bank on fossil. It keeps moving away from the chest while osbot is trying to type in the PIN and keeps repeating it. Forgot to copy the logger

Hey Newbie, there is a fix coming for this behavior. I submitted it last night but it needs to be approved. I'll let you know when it is.

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