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Reintroduction to video tutorials [Read if you are a beginning or wanting to be a scripter]


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Hey guys my last threads were removed because I felt that they were not up to par. People were still confused and I justify that as me doing poorly at instruction.


I am revamping the tutorials and will include full detail explanations.


  • Timestamped sections
  • Full links to everything used in the videos
  • Links to previous videos



Please leave requests below mainly in a decent format. 

I will leave my discord below so you can still take a peak at my old videos. I also have text style tutorials and their proper citations.



As long as DYNO is available you will be auto enrolled as a 'Learner' ! Please PM me if the Bot ever goes down so I can verify you! You will know if you are approved or verified if you have the Learner role.

PT: I will dedicate weekends to produce this content. So when most of the high level scripters are gone we can still keep this community growing!

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