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10 reasons Mald is a Jmod - #3 will shock you!


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Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the truth!


10. He's always lurking in the shitbox, reading all our PMs and messages so he can ban us later111!!!

9. Claims to have been "doxxed" already, but how do we REALLY know its him? wake up sheeple, it's time.

8. His name on the forums is in red - Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. This is also what happens when your bot farm gets shut down early and you lose money. He's keeping tabs on us hacking our 'smart' surge protectors.

7. Recently he's been trying to pawn off some accounts for RSGP -- now why would he do this other than to ban it later, and then just laugh at you and say it was because you botted! It's Win/Win!

6. This man is an Admin for a very well-off botting site, it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to say he has acess to some very top secret information! He could use this information to help jamflex with banning us enmasse.

5. I've recently spoken with the highest intelligence AI that a man such as myself can afford, and the results are simply astonishing. Look!


Not only is Mald a female, but cleverbot is also potentially a jmod... Who would use Cleverbot? Osbot has.. it's all becoming so clear now isn't it? Let's go deeper.

4. And so, with my new found evidence from the top of the line AI -- I present you with Mald's TRUE form:



3. With Maldesto aka. Mod Krista at the Helm of runescape Micro-transactions she can easily manipulate the market to sway into her favour! Perfect to also embezzle funds through our 'legitimate' business here on OSbot.

2. Now that we know that not only Mald is a female, is a J mod, and controls the MTX market for all of Runescape we need to make a decision. WE MUST DETHRONE THE FURHER!

1. Most importantly, we need to keep ourselves in the know, the best new method to keep yourself more safe is to use proxies sold only by @Token(any other is inferior product and should be discarded as it may be bugged by spies.), and to also purchase surge protectors from your nearest hardware store as Jagex aka Maldesto have devised a way to detect botting not only by hacking into your computer, but also by reading the electrical signals sent by your power cables J64 line. When purchasing new surge protectors, please make sure it has that specific line disabled.

Keep yourselves safe OSBot, I may have to stay on the down low until it's safe to peak back out.


Explain yourself. @Maldesto

Edited by Chikan
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