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4 hours ago, Emilyy said:

Who here is more addicted to botting than there own boyfriend/girlfriend?


and would you say its damaging to ignore other family members or partners for the botting community and other games?

i.e; is someone with no job AT 21, and a school drop out, who sits in there room all day gaming and relying on there parents, and who gets there mother to do all the washing for them, a no life?

serious answers only pleez

Addicted to botting? Weird I'd expect a gaming addiction but that's very specific to say botting.  I assume that eventually they'll grow out of it like most things and settle back into normie life (that's the hope) because it definitely will cause some disruption with you and the people you're close to. I would tell the person to ween it out, study for HS diploma 1hr a day, slowly work in things that'll take time away from botting and find a new distraction.

Best of luck to the person

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