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[Stable Build] OSBot 2.4.131 - Patches + Break Override


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Download Link: https://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.4.131.jar

It's been a pretty busy summer for me so I haven't been able to push out too many updates, so today I worked on a lot of highly requested suggestions/bugs. First is the ability to override the OSBot Break Manager. Originally all "random events" had the ability to be overrided but after way too many problems with the client being blamed for script issues, I removed it. Today script writers can override the Break Manager but the botter will be notified with a big warning message to make a clear distinction.

I will not be giving script writers the ability to override any event that requires access to sensitive information, this includes AutoLogin and BankPin.

RandomSolver solver = new RandomSolver(RandomEvent.BREAK_MANAGER) {
            public boolean shouldActivate() {
                return false;

            public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
                return 0;


Additionally since many more scripters are using the canvas to add listeners, I thought it would be a good idea to ensure they are getting cleared after the script exits. I'm sure there are many scripts out there not properly handling this, causing erroneous issues. Finally, I believe I fixed an issue where you would select a new script in the Script Selector and it would instead start up a previous one.


Version 2.4.131 Release
-Added override for OSBot Break Manager
-Force clear listeners from canvas on script exit
-Fixed typo in VIP message
-Fixed old issue with Script Selector starting incorrect script

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55 minutes ago, k9thebeast said:

I'm confused. So can I not do -allow norandoms anymore? or is this for only within scripts themselves and nothing to do with CLI. sorry on my phone, but still need some clarification,

Why would you not be able to do "-allow norandoms"? Correct this is for within the script only. For fully automated farms with custom login you will still need this CLI option.

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