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Leaving Sythe, is OSBot better?

Over The Sun

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Hey OSBot,


I've lurked here now and then, although I was recently forced out of the Sythe community due to IP issues so I see myself becoming a regular member around here. On Sythe I mostly sold pure accounts Ranging from 20-150m, all kinds! Anyways, is this a welcoming community? And can the mod or admins shed and light on the expectations of account safety and representation? I would hate to build again just to be brought down.

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I'm a reputable account seller. I think I got banned because I work at a hotel doing account and it's the hotel wifi I use to get online. It's happened before and we quashed it, but it's happening again and I don't have the energy for another dispute.

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16 minutes ago, Darren said:

That's a really mature dispute that you had posted... no wonder they're not catering to your requests :???:

I see that now :P It started in discord and the mod who banned me was Chloe and she wouldn't stop her candy crush game to help me out. Then her white knights got in it and that's what pissed me off. I even asked other mods for help and they said it was Chloe's choice. I felt justified at the moment.

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1 hour ago, ez11 said:




But wtf does that mean? I'm a hacker? If you know the back story she is implying that my Sythe account is hacked and I'm the hacker, however, that is far from accurate. She is just confused because of the multiple IPs from the locations I frequent. Don't be an instigator.

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