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[Dev Build] OSBot 2.4.119 - Patches


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I decided to take a look at some of the reports in the Client Bugs & Suggestions and came up with a few things.

1. @Reveance Reported an issue with gRandom not correctly generating random numbers on a normal distribution, and he was correct. Unfortunately when I went to go back and make the formula correct, it broke a lot of our API. I took the lazy approach and deprecated all the gRandom methods and re-documented the method.

2. There were a few random reports about the GrandExchange buyItem/sellItem methods not working correctly on low cpu mode. I tested it, found a few areas of concern, and made it a bit more stable. It's a lot of code and anyone who says they wrote their own "in a few minutes" is either a blatant liar, doesn't perform all the checks, or is using breakable code (such as static ids).

Speaking of performing checks, there was a check to see if you already had the buy/sell interface screen open. It however didn't check to see if there was an offer. Now it does both checks; so if there is an offer already in it backs out to the main Grand Exchange interface and selects the next available box.

3. When looking through Grand Exchange API I realized we had a broken function in ConditionalSleep. Probably lived there for many years, oh well squashed for now.

4. Spaghetti witchcraft mouse methods are getting removed. The following methods are deprecated and do nothing:

-moveSlightly(int sleep) 

Additionally moveRandomly(int sleep) now only calls moveRandomly() without sleeping. Want the old functionality? Call moveRandomly(); sleep(time);. 

5. We also took a look at some of the failed to fetch worlds list errors, hopefully thats resolved.

Best of luck, let me know how this version works for you guys!

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13 minutes ago, Alek said:

Click here to download

4. Spaghetti witchcraft mouse methods are getting removed. The following methods are deprecated and do nothing:
-moveSlightly(int sleep) 

Additionally moveRandomly(int sleep) now only calls moveRandomly() without sleeping. Want the old functionality? Call moveRandomly(); sleep(time);. 



Remove em all. The flying spaghetti monster does not approve of this witchcraft.

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26 minutes ago, Alek said:

No idea what that issue was, hopefully it inadvertently got fixed. 

public void clickItem(String item) throws InterruptedException{	
		this.script.log("Clicking item");
		for(RS2Widget w : this.script.getWidgets().getAll()){

As you said hacky af, but this never breaks for me. This doesnt take care of scrolling. Had one that did, but basically you just check that the widget coords are beneath lower bound of screen and scroll down till they arent. You prob know tha tthough :P

Edited by k9thebeast
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9 minutes ago, k9thebeast said:

public void clickItem(String item) throws InterruptedException{	
		this.script.log("Clicking item");
		for(RS2Widget w : this.script.getWidgets().getAll()){

As you said hacky af, but this never breaks for me. This doesnt take care of scrolling. Had one that did, but basically you just check that the widget coords are beneath lower bound of screen and scroll down till they arent. You prob know tha tthough :P

Doesn't take care of scrolling or items with the exact same name but different item ids. /:

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