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account locked


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  On 2/4/2017 at 2:34 PM, kazemaru said:

ive made over 100 accounts on me home ip and like 90 of them got locked.

(this was like 3 months ago)

your ip has been flagged for sure

this is why i buy from @Montana of 300


I use a list of around 60 proxies that auto roamtaye; or for large lists use a VPN. Mine rarely get locked; and I replace if they do :) thanks kaze!

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  On 2/4/2017 at 7:51 PM, Abuse said:

All my accounts are getting mass locked too :/ Ill keep you guys posted if i find the source of this

I fucking knew the moment that someone started to sell a mass account creator for 20$/pop this would follow shortly ...


It seemed to start after the update Thursday so they must have added something into the account creator page or something to detect it 

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  On 2/4/2017 at 7:54 PM, Juggles said:

It seemed to start after the update Thursday so they must have added something into the account creator page or something to detect it 


Indeed they have,

Now it posts to /track/3011 when clicking the 'create account' button + they have added some obfuscated JS to their frontend





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  On 2/4/2017 at 7:56 PM, Abuse said:

Indeed they have,

Now it posts to /track/3011 when clicking the 'create account' button + they have added some obfuscated JS to their frontend






My creator still creates accounts. If they really wanted to prevent "unauthorized browsers without JS" then they would've rejected the requests I make.  Why do they let you create accounts and then ban them later on when you can prevent it from being created at all?

Here are the calls it makes, i'd assume it's random each request. 

It does seem to track the account in some sort of way. 


However, we do not know what this truly does. They could've added this to track the amount of accounts being created  per day, the amount of accounts made with Oldschool rs only. I can say that they did change something in their system but it still isn't perfect. Sure a lot of accounts get locked but at the end of the day, some accounts don't get locked #worth :kappa: 


EDIT: Tracker is irrelevant. It's probs to see how m any accs are made per day. Made a fresh acc, tut island botted it and it's still alive. It also seems that they removed that questionnaire in the begging of tut island ( I never got it). 

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Update: I can confirm this issue is account creator related:

I've made a few accounts manually, and a few automatically. The automatic accounts got locked within minutes after completing tutorial island. The manual ones didn't.

I've rewritten my account creator to use a real browser (Firefox) to create the accounts and the issue got solved, no locks for past 2 hours.

- Abuse



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  On 2/4/2017 at 10:31 PM, Abuse said:

I've made a few accounts manually, and a few automatically. The automatic accounts got locked within minutes after completing tutorial island. The manual ones didn't.


thank you for this, can confirm, tried registering accounts with several proxies automated and manually, the automated ones got locked, 5 - 15 minutes after tutorials

Edited by qverkk
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  On 2/4/2017 at 10:31 PM, Abuse said:

Update: I can confirm this issue is account creator related:

I've made a few accounts manually, and a few automatically. The automatic accounts got locked within minutes after completing tutorial island. The manual ones didn't.

I've rewritten my account creator to use a real browser (Firefox) to create the accounts and the issue got solved, no locks for past 2 hours.

- Abuse




Not true. 3 accounts I made 1 hour ago with my account creator aren't banned. Used the same ip to make them + complete them. I then switched to an ip on the other side of the world, they work just fine. I'm pretty sure it's just the amount of accounts you create in an IP.  I used premium proxies too, so I'm not sure if that has to do with anything. The reason why I find it rather odd is because if they wanted to stop us from creating accounts, they'd be better off having a JS solver (like cloudflare) to prevent "browsers" that don't support JS (cough, cough most clients in programming languages). Then you'd have to manually have to solve the JS (like how cloudflare bypasses work). 

I'm going to make 7-8 accounts on that ip (With a fresh ip, you can make up to 7 or 8 accs before they block you). If they get banned, then it's got to do with the quantity you make on a single ip. Still going to test this out more. I'm going to embed a browser into my creator and see if it really makes a difference. It just doesn't seem like it would, if they wanted to prevent this from happening in the first place, they wouldn't of accepted a POST request that doesn't have the "tracker id". 

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Been snooping other forums, they've had similar issues... but not within the last 2-3 weeks.... and even as old as the later months of last year
Everyone seems to jump straight at the throat of the proxies used but it still stands as to if those connections are flagged, why let them go through the process of creating them at all
and maybe sneaking some through instead of blocking that ip 100%

Edited by Isolate
spelling issues
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  On 2/4/2017 at 11:27 PM, Isolate said:

Been snooping other forums, they've had similar issues... but not within the last 2-3 weeks.... and even as old as the later months of last year
Everyone seems to jump straight at the throat of the proxies used but it still stands as to if those connections are flagged, why let them go through the process of creating them at all
and maybe sneaking some through instead of blocking that ip 100%


The only reason why he's saying it's the automated creators is because this was not there before.

/track/ was added recently, I don't know the exact time it was added but it's new (when I was making my creator, this wasn't there). However, the fact that my creator still works means this tracking is possibly for something else. The fact that I made another 5 accounts and all of them aren't banned means it's either the tut island scripts, people doing something wrong (who knows what) or the ip is *possibly* flagged. 

Edited by Satire
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