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[V4]Xylate's Farm Progress & Updates


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Completely restarted.


Goal of my new system is to have complete automation from task assignments, server deployment, muling and the list goes on.




February 11th-14th

-Loading servers, accounts, tasks(scripts)

-Event System

--Added Server Setup event, checks every hour in my database for a new server, if there is one, its setup automatically and ready for botting in ~10-15 minutes

-Added input for basic administrative commands(more so for stats/data)

-Added ScriptUpdateEvent which checks my FTP server for any script updates as well as osbot updates, if theirs a script update that effects any running clients, they are stopped and restarted. if there is an osbot update, accounts are logged, clients are destroyed, OSBot is redownloaded and then a server reboot is initiated.


February 10th

-Started to work on the base of my application






Server Setup Event in action







Thanks to;




Edited by Xylate
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Interesting read;

got any direction / tips you could link me in a PM for documentation on setting this kind of stuff up?

If you're not comfortable sharing this / want me to search/google on my own; I completely understand that; would just be nice to have some sort of guidance from someone with experience in the field :D

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Interesting read;

got any direction / tips you could link me in a PM for documentation on setting this kind of stuff up?

If you're not comfortable sharing this / want me to search/google on my own; I completely understand that; would just be nice to have some sort of guidance from someone with experience in the field happy.png

Add my Skype(live:df35eb156895edd9), I can direct you in a few different directions of setting something like this up in several different ways.



Good luck happy.png



good luck bro



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