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The Hero of Time

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don't forget usa forces are still in iraq and guantanamo bay is STILL open, after he made that promise to call the forces back and closing bay 8 YEARS ago



.... doge.png


didnt obama also pass laws that allows americas intelligence agencies (like seriously america has multiple agencies just to spy on their OWN people wtf) to imprison americans without any reason for however long they wan without having to give them a trialt?

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didnt obama also pass laws that allows americas intelligence agencies (like seriously america has multiple agencies just to spy on their OWN people wtf) to imprison americans without any reason for however long they wan without having to give them a trialt?

idk but i wouldn't be surprised

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One of the greatest minds emote32342.png  



Hitler was a very smart man, knew what he wanted and would change the world to do it.

Created many jobs for his nation.

Grew the economy faster than anyone in his lifetime.


literally only downfall of him was that he put too many people in the cooker.

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Great mind, with the wrong actions. Killing so much people thats great

You must not be a Obama supporter because he dealt with a more destructive individual instead of eliminating the threat.


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Hitler was a very smart man, knew what he wanted and would change the world to do it.

Created many jobs for his nation.

Grew the economy faster than anyone in his lifetime.


literally only downfall of him was that he put too many people in the cooker.

Everything he did was wrong lol. Everything how he did it was fucking even more wrong and bad. And it's so obvious..because the way he was doing politics was autistic. Thats why it ended up like that + downfall u mention about cooking a lot of ppl. Not only jew's. There is no way he could be great minded man in any way. Because great minded man's leave something valuable after them not nazi crap shit and racism lol. You have no idea what he was and what he did and how long his "great country" lasted...

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You must not be a Obama supporter because he dealt with a more destructive individual instead of eliminating the threat.


i am a Obama supporter:) so you say killing a ''group of jews'' was eliminating the threat? the world is fucked up if you think that you can just kill a group of people. 

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Everything he did was wrong lol. Everything how he did it was fucking even more wrong and bad. And it's so obvious..because the way he was doing politics was autistic. Thats why it ended up like that + downfall u mention about cooking a lot of ppl. Not only jew's. There is no way he could be great minded man in any way. Because great minded man's leave something valuable after them not nazi crap shit and racism lol. You have no idea what he was and what he did and how long his "great country" lasted...


patriotism who cares about anything else lol no one cares about what he did to the jews tbh. he setup germany to become a powerhouse which it still is today???

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