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Show banned users + reasons for ban


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My suggestion is to show all the banned users + the reason that warranted that ban (may it be perm or temp)

If there's no plugin availble, maybe you could do a monthly topic showing who was banned and for what reason (link to dispute if required)


This is just for book keeping reasons. I've bought and sold a few things  to now banned users, some of which I can't get a reason to why they were banned (and at risk of accounts/payments getting recovered). I'd kinda like my paranoia to be put to rest by knowing what they was banned for.

Also maybe it'll be a  good way for the community to see what people are getting banned for the most, and show us how we can, as one, make this place better for all of us.


And now for a more controversial suggestion:

Included in the above suggestion, any convicted scammer's original registered Email address is posted publicly.

If there's no worry about irl repercussions, people will scam. People will still scam by creating fake emails sure, but it'll maybe make people think twice before doing it. Especially if you keep logged the original email they used to sign up with (easy to do guys cmon just another db field and a modification to the sign up page)



I know these are very tricky suggestions to agree on so I'm open to criticism + suggestions.


If we do it (the most active osrs site) maybe the other sites will follow suit aswell.



Edit: @jackshow had a good suggestion that I think it worth adding to the OP. He suggests changing the banned group to something else where we can still rep/forums posts. Please check out and read his post here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/110632-show-banned-users-reasons-for-ban/?p=1243309


Edited by Zappster
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If you keep the reason quite broad like 'Scamming', 'Harrasment' etc. and not go in to specific details I support this. I got banned for something I have said that I really regret now, I would rather not want everyone to see that and I can imagine that others wouldn't want that either. So as long as you keep the public reason quite broad I do support this.

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thats gonna be awkward when certain peoples ban reason says "banned for standing up against tyrannical mods"


not at all


I agree with Krys, I don't think we have tyrannical mods here so that would never happen. But in the case that it does, the backlash would fall heavy on the mod and would result in a more fair system.

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If you keep the reason quite broad like 'Scamming', 'Harrasment' etc. and not go in to specific details I support this. I got banned for something I have said that I really regret now, I would rather not want everyone to see that and I can imagine that others wouldn't want that either. So as long as you keep the public reason quite broad I do support this.


I've seen it like this on other forums and I believe that works.

Scamming is the number one threat in the RS black markets and I believe that's the only thing which should be posted in detail.

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If you keep the reason quite broad like 'Scamming', 'Harrasment' etc. and not go in to specific details I support this. I got banned for something I have said that I really regret now, I would rather not want everyone to see that and I can imagine that others wouldn't want that either. So as long as you keep the public reason quite broad I do support this.



what did you say? and why were you unbanned?

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