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Who says i'm not playing along myself? It seems you're the one who cant take the heat when he digs it out.

Please, if you're going to try refer a comment to me, at least accept some bs back you pussy.

Lmao. "who say's im not playing along myself" maybe the fact that you admitted you had a mental problem and your're bipolar as fuck.

Please, if you're going to try refer a comment to me, at least accept some bs back you pussy.


There you go contradicting yourself again. Do you need another break from OSbot to get things stable? Dont think so high of yourself. What you're like 30-40~ years old with rep on a botting community?


queJBwt.gif pi0v7CC.gif queJBwt.gif

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Pretty much the same story my friend, I do 50/50 lol, just buy the basics unless I fancy something specific and loads of shit because I am not too picky doge.png


By the time i get to actual food the fucking cart is almost full. facep.gif

Then i buy some actual food, but then stop at fast food on the way home. I fail at life.

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Nowhere have I mentioned I have bipolar so you're picking at straws but nice try, and I am not 30-40 years old either so the same would apply there.

But for someone who seems to talk alot about raped and so on, you must have some form of experience with it - Now if rape is a goal in mind for you, I suggest you get that checked out buddy.




Also - You do realize you said "maybe the fact that you admitted you had a mental problem" that's nothing to do with playing along with someone else and their stupidity in this case yours, picking at straws to try insult me because I told you to go ask your parents about your own craves and fetishes bless you.

Not sure how saying "you look like a rapist" ties me or my family to be rapists or even enjoy that.

That's disgusting and you know it.

You have flawed logic but what's to be expected of someone who's as retarted as you.

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and you're claiming having my hood up and having a beard makes me a rapist?

Apparently you're the one with a fetish for such things, or maybe your family is into that i'm not too sure. But let's be honest here, if you;'re going to try throw shit my way don't get too upset when you get it back you complete fucking idiot lol.

No one's upset besides you, ye bonobo.

I said you look like a rapist and you took extreme offense to it. I would call you out on your illiteracy but it's against the law to shame retards.

You want to keep bickering back and forth like a child? i'll do it as i have nothing going on ATM.

Now i realize why people mess with you as you're so easy to put on edge.

Hehe xd

Edited by Rxdking
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