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I took no offence to it, I just simply made a silly comment back to you - If you go back on our comments, you would see YOU got pissed that I mentioned you asking your parents for their story time.

I mean, I understand you cannot get too far in this website a lot like in real life but hey that's not my issue. I am not angry, upset or annoyed I am actually quite amused, and I have been for a few hours now so thank you for concluding how stupid you actually are.

Just to clarify - Having a mental illness of any sort, doesn't make you anything such as a rapist or look like a rapist or anything like that, whilst I am happy to show who I am and that I am a perfectly normal human being, there are some scared little boys like yourself who try to tarnish and upset others, and it's quite sad really. 

Then theres no reason to be arguing.

Although it's still nice to get you a lil salty. good day.

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Apparently not the guy who comes here literally once a year when it's his birthday and his parents let him log on the PC? Troll.png

Bruh you rather reply to the thread just to prove a point or because you argue on the internet because i mentioned pming about our argument on a thread and you would not pm.

Stop being a hypocrite doge.png  

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