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When talking to your goldfarm bots lmao


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Damn good shit but gotta keep in mind its hard to type like that while hunting :p




i just realised i leaked my (top secret) gold farm method :feels:


now the whole world knows i do red chins xddd


but yeah lol, you're right tbh it's only there to reply if someone asks are you a bot etc or a hi because normally if ppl dont reply you assume 90% they're a bot lol

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another feature for fruity nmz? wink.png



just realised how retarded that suggestion was lmfao


who talks to themself in their own dream@@!


get gud my fren


dont make me ace with famas like yday :feels:

4:43 mac pleb exposed

lmao gg


now im gonna get lynched :X emote3.gif pi0v7CC.gif

Edited by Saiyan
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