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Reading over scripts and coaching each scripter on what's needed to get accepted is very time consuming. I have no problem instantly denying scripts if you want me to move over to that model.

Completely understand how ever the time it is taking could be improved. What you're doing is perfect in my opinion, how ever more staff is needed. 


Edit : I like the way you do things, how ever do not like how many people are working to do it.

Edited by DubzieBug
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Reading over scripts and coaching each scripter on what's needed to get accepted is very time consuming. I have no problem instantly denying scripts if you want me to move over to that model.

Understandable, plus y'all probably get a lot of requests that are already on the SDN, but they think theirs is better and try pushing it.


Instead of SDN requests are you guys just going to go based on free/local scripts until they are used/popular enough to determine whether or not they should be reviewed to be put on the SDN?

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Understandable, plus y'all probably get a lot of requests that are already on the SDN, but they think theirs is better and try pushing it.


Instead of SDN requests are you guys just going to go based on free/local scripts until they are used/popular enough to determine whether or not they should be reviewed to be put on the SDN?

Probably not lol cus no1 wants 2 release to local you kno :feels:


wouldn't want my 7 npe per frame methods to be leaked u kno? it's my trademark according to @Token  :tears:









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