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can you appeal a perm ban?


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Can you appeal a perm ban? I just found my 2007 account in RS, it has around like 14 offences in total (mutes etc xD) and two for bottin which resulted in a perm ban, can I appeal it? If I can where can I appeal the offence?


Nope you can't :( 


Sadly jagex doesn't give a F on any appeals nowadays... 

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just send jagex a sob story of how your cat ran across your keyboard and in turn downloaded and started a bot client, added your login details and ran a script until you got banned and only just realised.


They will look into it and call out your bs in front of everyone and you are no closer to getting your account back than what you started with but you had a good laugh about it.

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just send jagex a sob story of how your cat ran across your keyboard and in turn downloaded and started a bot client, added your login details and ran a script until you got banned and only just realised.


They will look into it and call out your bs in front of everyone and you are no closer to getting your account back than what you started with but you had a good laugh about it.


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I remember my friend got banned once when account sharing was not allowed, he was botting, he basically appealed saying that at night his dog started playing runescape or some shit like that (this was like 2007/2008, we were kids) and then he got banned for account sharing..


story of my life:



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