didnt get any replies to my comments so i did some trial and error. made it work
45 pray
75 range 42 def 54 hp to start
2nd attempt successful
76 range 52 def 55 hp to finnish
gear: zamorak dhide set (full), unholy blessing, brimstone ring, avas, fury, blowpipe, dragon darts p 6k darts to start, 4828 darts at the end (2k will be more than ok)
11pray bonus, 168 range bonus
2 ranging pots, 11 brews, 15 super restores (would suggest 2 ranging pots, 14 brews, 12 super restores)
one way prayer flicking (you could try multi)
~ only better equipment id suggest is barrows gloves if you have it which i will on my second account when it gets there. may even attempt it with 65 range and 3rd age if i get 45 def (but mostlikely 75 again)