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Everything posted by imschwaggy

  1. all these trials and stuff, no screenshots -_- . smh how much exp per hour is it at the preloaded locations? considering this.
  2. add divine potions and stuff bruv! way better.
  3. could u add options for divine ranging pots and bastion potions pls! would be very helpful. and better to have pots that the increase wont go less also why does it use the lv 26 range pray instead of the higher one? kinda odd
  4. can this script use bastion potions? or do divine ranging potions work? just got my cape in 2 attempts yesterday.
  5. still saying applying client injections/modifications for me. no actual client loading
  6. welp, time to go grab some tools and run errands. hopefully its back by the time i come back so i can finish the last 2 void helms.
  7. client has been stuck on "applying injection/modification" for like 15mins now.
  8. didnt get any replies to my comments so i did some trial and error. made it work 45 pray 75 range 42 def 54 hp to start 2nd attempt successful 76 range 52 def 55 hp to finnish gear: zamorak dhide set (full), unholy blessing, brimstone ring, avas, fury, blowpipe, dragon darts p 6k darts to start, 4828 darts at the end (2k will be more than ok) 11pray bonus, 168 range bonus 2 ranging pots, 11 brews, 15 super restores (would suggest 2 ranging pots, 14 brews, 12 super restores) one way prayer flicking (you could try multi) ~ only better equipment id suggest is barrows gloves if you have it which i will on my second account when it gets there. may even attempt it with 65 range and 3rd age if i get 45 def (but mostlikely 75 again)
  9. recommended gear for 53 hp 75 range 42 def 45 pray ? (besides twisted bow) void + blessed dhide boots + blowpipe ? full blessed dhide + blowpipe ? void + armadyl crossbow ? full blessed dhide + armadyl crossbow ?
  10. do u have a list of upcoming quests? and is lunar diplomacy gonna be added? would be sick.
  11. this is a good idea lol, what rsps are active?
  12. is void better than the max bonus gear? like ranger boots+gloves robin hat+red chaps and robin tunic?
  13. Type of trade: buying account for rsgp Your discord: imschwaggy#3472 Other Person's discord: x360#2202 Do you agree to TOS: yes
  14. looking for like a bgloves starter with 50 atk and under . no combat stats passed 75 . (no more than 70 comb) or a baby voider thats already made . fcape , unholy book , mm2 etc are a bonus . anyone have any reputable leads . would prefer to do a paypal invoice so we are both secured .
  15. good to hear, because it seems like fun. mid 60s to 70 bracket . considering buying like a bgloves or dt/fcape starter pure to make one.
  16. thats what i figured. im mostlikely going to just go straight for the 72-75 combat voider 72-75hp etc. should be better.
  17. I want to know if a low level voider is good at pking (65-70 combat) I dont see many videos of really low level voiders like 50 atk 6x 61-75 range/mage 44 pray 6x hp. if you have/had one recently how was it? i feel like it would be pretty fun to use but the fact that i dont see anything about them is odd. thoughts/opinions?
  18. gonna try one with 61-65 and the most bamf gear i can afford . im making a low level baby voider . like 3rd age + barrows gloves and ranger boots , and whatever is the best 61-65 range wep . dragon crossbow or whatever .
  19. is it working? want to try this on a baby voider.
  20. stuck at the beginning of waterfall quest. had to get to the book part manually, was at the door of the first house for like 15minutes when i came back to check it
  21. murder mystery* available soon? (didnt mean to write nature spirit) ~ and lumb guide rfd
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