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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. this spooks me out good and proper http://static2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/5171690+_1dbe56a442b537c369b764278b551708.gif
  2. Please be more specific, post a picture. Say something like "ERROR" might not be enough to fix the issue.
  3. Woah nice picture, you are very beautiful. Please talk back I would like to speak with a beautiful lady like yourself very much

  4. Epsilon

    Fruity NMZ

    gtfo with your useless shit.
  5. Epsilon

    Renewing VIP

    Should renew itself. Check your pre-approved payments on Paypal, it should be there.
  6. I guess if you're looking to get into services you can either be a free agent or join a team. If you want to be a free agent I suggest offering smaller, cheaper services to gain feedback before you can start charging higher prices. Joining a service team though can make finding jobs a lot easier.
  7. Epsilon

    2 day ban

    Next time you get banned it is a perm ban. You've been banned once you can get banned before. Do you want this risk?
  8. welcum to the forums brother rock
  9. If you CBA with Biohazard and Plague city, just cannon a the ogres between castle wars and Yanille, there is a spot there where they cannot attack you. Using a crossbow at the same time will give you 40kxp+
  10. who cares, wear what you want. i wear sports gear 90% of my life.
  11. If you want to PK at 60 Strength, level your range to 40 (this will not affect your combat, only hp levels gained might). You should still be 32 Combat I believe. It is fun to pk at this level. Use a combat calculator to work out what range/ mage levels you can get before you are no longer a strength dependent account. I think the max range you can get is 61 at 99 str.
  12. can be tricky and potentially not worth the scripters time making and updating for the smaller amount of people who would use it. Bossing zulrah using a bot would probs require high reqs.
  13. You actually profit through this method as long as you spend your points on Herb boxes.
  14. Haunted Mine, What Lies Below, Tree Gnome Village, Vampire Slayer, Lost City. Every game lasts 6 hours and will get you roughly 90kxp for Attack, Strength, Defence and Hitpoints. 70-99 is roughly 136 full 6 hour games meaning you will spend either 272k if you host it yourself, or 3m if you pay for hosts. The cost of repairing the Guthans 70-99 will cost you about 18m. Hope this helps and I didn't fuck any calculation up.
  15. i just botted 500 accounts at corp thanks m8, botting is at its finest
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