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Everything posted by Alek

  1. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/63062-osbot-1-scripts-discontinued/
  2. This update should be pretty short and sweet; hopefully it helps a good handful of members out. Most notably, users who are having an issue connecting to OSBot will be prompted with a dialogue box. This dialogue will contain information that will help assist them in determining the problem. Please note that this analysis is OSBot specific. Additionally, you will notice that we are now enforcing a minimum of 256MB RAM allocation. This will alleviate issues where users were reporting problems due to not allocating enough memory (happens pretty often). The maximum size has also increased from ~10GB to 16GB. Changelog Boot Interface: -Minimum memory allocation set to 256MB -Maximum memory allocation set to 16GB -Bot memory calculation is more accurate Banks: -Added Banks: GNOME_STRONGHOLD, TZHAAR --Milestone of 20 Banks has been reached Misc: -Added player position debug -Added connection error messages Bug patches: -Added null checks to Advertisement Overlay The API docs have been updated Have a great weekend! -The OSBot Staff
  3. I'd actually love to pawn off Garry's Mod. How much?
  4. Where is your SDN Scripter rank
  5. Did you press the refresh button? Are you sure you put them in your local scripts folder?
  6. NPC judge = getNpcs().closest("Judge"); if(judge != null){ judge.interact("Talk-to"); } I would suggest not using ids for NPCs or RS2Objects because they are subject to change on every RS update. Also you have an array of integers, which is unnecessary. private static final int JUDGE_ID = 0;
  7. This release will hopefully fix two issues which many are facing. First is the Script Selector interface, it appears to be an issue largely related to how Windows 8 interprets the default text for our client theme. This was solved by force setting a common text used among most major operating systems. I tested this with two members here who were having issues with it, so if this patch still doesn't work for you please let me know via Private Message. Additionally I've released the "Default" account by popular request. Please read below for stipulations regarding this special account. Changelog: -Standardized fonts for Script Selector --This will fix the add button glitch for Windows 8 (Tested) -Standardized fonts for Bot Interface -Added 3 Banks: PEST_CONTROL, CANIFIS, DUEL_ARENA -Added new preset region class "Resources" --Added Resources: FLAX_SEERS -Prioritized closing interfaces in InteractionEvent -Added Default Account --Default accounts will not save preferences --Default accounts can not be removed --Default accounts can not log you back in once you log out --Only one default bot tab may be open --Exp reward for default accounts is Agility Edit: Updating API docs shortly Enjoy your weekend -The OSBot Staff
  8. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/63062-osbot-1-scripts-discontinued/
  9. Hopefully this update fixes a lot of problems which many of you were having. Thanks for the reports and continue bugging me about them, I value your input. Changelog: -Patched tab container to resize for multiple bots -Made a Windows 8 hotfix for Script Selector dimensions (please let me know if it works) -Made another banking patch that was affecting certain scripts Say thanks to @MGI for helping me figure out the banking issue as well, I'm sure he wants to kill me. -The OSBot Staff
  10. I'm aware of the issue. Can you please PM me your Skype? If not that's fine, just be aware that I'm aware. Solution for now, try running it on a different computer.
  11. Anti-ban does little if nothing to protect you. You should look at scripts that run without issues and ones that include less botted areas (for instance an AIO fisher that allows you to select multiple locations).
  12. Both DNSuperMiner and Nezzs Runecrafter are no longer developed and have been removed from the SDN. Swizzbeat's Pest Control is still on there but I'm not quite sure. A Super Moderator or Administrator can help you with the Pest Control script. In the meantime, please review this thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/63062-osbot-1-scripts-discontinued/ Thank you.
  13. Yes, I'm working on it.
  14. I'll make a patch early tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know.
  15. Alek

    Chopper won't bank

    We're not psychic. Either post your code or ask the script developer what the issue is. In the script browser, press the "Info" button.
  16. Alek

    Cant start a script?

    Seems like the gui is cutting off at the bottom where it would normally have a start button. I thought I fixed it on the most recent update but I guess not. I'll try patching this on the next update.
  17. I tested withdrawing from tabs and I'm not getting this error at all. Can you tell me which of your scripts are getting these errors?
  18. Where are you looking? How are you guys even still accessing that page? Look in the script browser. Press the play button in the client and click on the "Browse" tab.
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