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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Web walker doesn't create an array of positions; we wouldn't be able to do things like use gnome gliders and travel through the charters. Also no, those links aren't available in the public API. Everything is still under a bit of heavy development and I'd like to be able to modify classes without hearing the kicking and screaming.
  2. Watching your posts over the last month or two, you spend a lot more time thinking about everything else besides making the script itself. Make the script and as you write it, you will know the path you need to take. Some scripts are small and are best suited for simple loop logic, other scripts benefit from Tasks/States. It almost sounds like you are going to university and you're trying to directly apply what you learned into programming. Start simple and expand from there.
  3. Just FYI this method is going to probably break in 2 days.
  4. You can do that right now with pretty much any version of OSBot.
  5. You didn't do any research on this plugin. It has a bunch of reported bugs, it was made in 2013 and only has ~50 sales, most of the content on the product page is dead links.
  6. Recently I fell in love with a game Runescape. This game is very fun, the picture is very fine, fine line, playing with very smooth, but also full of stimulation, is a very good game. The game is to make transactions via gold. Incidentally, I have a good site to purchase gold Runescape Gold, I usually buy on this site, affordable, fast delivery, trustworthy. And often do some activities, some of the sweepstakes promotions to players. (I've tried this, it is able to get props like!) Want to play junior partner to find play with me!
  7. Have you tried both simple and advanced paths? Do they both still walk through the same area?
  8. My favorite thing about people who talk about nostalgia, are people who haven't played the game for 10+ years. Still can't believe people don't want 08 HD graphics.
  9. Bank.open checks if the bank is open. So in reality he could just do: if(bank.open()) { //Banking Code } Also it's worth mentioning that you are using the Entity super class and you're missing out on some of the functionality. Instead try: RS2Object crate = objects.closest("Crate") if (crate != null) { crate.interact("Examine"); } and RS2Object bank = objects.closest("Bank"); if (bank != null) { bank.interact("Bank"); inventory.isFull(); <- This does nothing } Similarly for NPCs: NPC banker = npcs.closest("Banker"); So inside of your LOOK state: case LOOK: GroundItem knife = groundItems.closest("Knife"); sleep(random(500, 700)); log(" for a knife"); break; } Good job on using states. Final criticism though: Get rid of these randoms: random(200, 300); it does absolutely nothing for your bans. Instead "return 250;" is fine.
  10. Would you mind clarifying the area a bit? Is it a quest area or instanced area? Something like this was planned for web walking, but there are a lot of other things I need to work on first.
  11. "Uptext" is simply the first menu action. MenuAPI.
  12. While we're at it we might as well rename our product to QuadBot.
  13. It's a soft currency and PayPal has the API required to process transactions. Unless there is a vendor that takes bitcoin and exchanges it to a hard currency for us, and provides us the same functionality, it's unlikely. Also PayPal has a great reputation and has been up for many years.
  14. Have your app send a session id to a client which starts OSBot through CLI, using the sessionid as a script parameter. Once started, the script will communicate with your server the session id. Once that's complete, your app now has control over the script. Put a loop in your script continually requesting commands from your server for that session. After that it's simple, write some basic switch statement for various commands such as buying, selling, etc.
  15. Show the execution result for the event. You may want to take a look at our API, there are definitely ways to right click. InteractionEvent is built using the same API which you have access to; meaning that you can write the same exact methods which we wrote.
  16. Well I think most of it should come back to you fairly quickly then. Just be careful when using static ids; scripters get lazy and use them but in the long run it requires a lot more work because of maintenance. If you have issues finding widgets without the use of static ids, I could write a small tutorial on it to introduce the basic idea.
  17. It's a development build. Go to the forum index, right hand side it says "Advanced User Panel", its a small box.
  18. As discussed in my previous posts, I mentioned that RandomBehaviorHook was a thing of the past and needed to be ditched desperately. Starting today you can remove all OSBot randoms and have your scripts execute and soon as you start it through a new CLI allow argument, "norandoms". What does this mean? "norandoms" removes ALL random events including AutoLogin, BankPin, WelcomeScreen, etc. Scripters can now use the LoginResponseCodeListener and decide how they want their script to function during the login process. Additionally I took at look at the ResponseCode class and updated the methods isConnectionError and isDisabledError (thanks to @Th3 for providing the updated codes). This in turn gave me reason to update the AutoLogin random to make it a bit more responsive and predictable. What we have now: switchAccount - Properly swaps accounts on the current bot instance "norandoms" - Allows farmers to create truly automated farms No hacky external programs, no confusing hooks, just simple botting. Changelog: -Added CLI parameter norandoms -Updated ResponseCode class -Updated AutoLogin I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween (for those who celebrate).
  19. Think about it logically, you're using "closest". It will always return the closest cow to you and if that closest cow is under attack then you are going to be waiting until that cow is killed. Use one of the methods above to filter cows by distance/area, health > 0, not under attack, etc. After that you're going to want to sort those results by distance. This way you only get cows which you can attack, ordered by distance (instead of all cows which you don't know if you can attack or not).
  20. NPCs closest returns a single NPC, not a collection of NPCs for you to filter. You want something like: Optional<NPC> suitableNpc = getNpcs().getAll().stream().filter(npc -> npc.getHealthPercent() > 1).findFirst(); if (suitableNpc.isPresent()) { suitableNpc.get().interact("examine"); } You may want to look a little bit into Java 8 streams before using them. Edit: Or better yet you can use the FilterAPI way which is native to OSBot getNpcs().closest(new Filter<NPC>() { @[member='Override'] public boolean match(NPC obj) { return obj.getHealthPercent() > 1; } }) ; EntityAPI: http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/EntityAPI.html
  21. Well if he uses snippets because he doesn't understand how to write the methods, that's not teaching him anything. He should spend some time learning more about widgets and understanding our API. That will make him a better scripter and programmer in the long run. Edit: Widgets is a good way to learn inheritance
  22. Learn how to code before you copy-pasta task node systems. Also why the hell are you passing script and not the Bot instance? Edit2: I deleted that tutorial Too many new scripters are using those node frameworks without understanding them. There is nothing wrong with using the simple loop until you understand OOP. Once you learn more about Java, you will be able to write and understand that node system. For now, just stick with learning step by step.
  23. If you can't figure it out you should probably be writing a script which you can write. The API spoon feeds a lot, a little too much actually. Learn more about widgets.
  24. Now you have no reason to use hooks. Botters: -Your account details are still protected if you are using the official OSBot Account Selector -Any information you put outside of the OSBot Account Selector is not safe Scripters: -Do NOT put a script that uses account switching on the SDN - harsh penalties Bot switchAccount(String username, String password, int pin) -Go Wild and Happy Botting
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