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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Don't use it to walk to things right next to you, use it to traverse large distances. Edit: If you want to discuss anti-ban regarding the two different events, I'll move this over to the tinfoil section (Bans & Botting forum).
  2. Alek

    new phone case

    If I had a phone, I would get a case like this.
  3. I will be building detection systems to combat botters. It will be a serious of mouse algorithm checks and if you check your skills every so often. Additionally I cannot ban unless I'm awake during business hours.
  4. I've decided to start a small online RPG game written from scratch. I'm using C++ with Direct2D and Winsock. What I have done (Milestones): -Recursive image loading through Windows Imaging Component (23 December 2016) -Image filtering (seen in screenshots below, no filter was applied) (24 December 2016) -Map Editor; adds and removes sprites (with layering), collision editor (27 December 2016) -Generic Client/Server communication, moving players and sending entity information (16 Jan 2017) -Finished basic login system with player profile saving/loading (19 Jan 2017) -Added multiple region support, save and load easily (01 Feb 2017) -Link regions with doors, create game objects (06 Feb 17) -Created simple menu system (15 Feb 17) -Finished basic battle system (26 Mar 17) The next stuff: -Huge code cleanup -Replace placeholder skill system with real skills Recent News: 26 Mar 17: After a much needed small break, I went through and scrapped my old battle system and created a new one. It's much cleaner and allows for me to treat enemies as actual clients; this opens up some pretty dynamic play in the future. Originally I intended for the ability to attack multiple targets, but for now a 1v1 battle will suffice. As you see below, there are 4 remaining tiles on each side for this team battle mechanic. The menu is wonky, but I'll work on aesthetics later. For now only "Attack" works, however in the future Item will be for using things like medpacks and "Taunt" will be used to skip your turn. Changelog History:
  5. Yeah I had the number $235, I pretty much went down the line and halved everything and took some additional arbitrary number off. Looks like everyone is saying about $250 so I'm pretty comfortable then. I don't really give a crap about graphics to be honest, this card has lasted me 5 years and it wasn't top tier when I got it. I know the 970 will last me just as long maybe even longer. The 960 EVO/PRO releases were the driving factor behind me making a new build, the rest of these parts could probably last me another 2-3 years easily.
  6. Im getting the 970 and h100i v2 for $220 together.
  7. Thanks for the input guys, looks like the general consensus is $250. I'll probably be asking $235 firm then. My new build: i7 6700k h100i v2 960 evo 970 gtx 16 gb ddr4
  8. I'm keeping my case and psu for my new build, so that's why I didnt include them
  9. I guessed $235, not sure how accurate I am.
  10. This is my build with the original Newegg links. What do you think someone would buy this for? Had this computer for 5 years, got the 8350 during the summer but that was a mistake because I'm doing an Intel build. RAM (DDR3 1600MHZ): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233198 Motherboard (GIGABYTE 990XA): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128510 GPU (Radeon HD 6870 2GB 256-Bit): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150563 CPU (AMD FX 8350): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284 Cooler (Hyper 212 EVO): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099 Also if anyone is seriously interested let me know.
  11. You are saving a lot of bandwidth as well (provided you are using a local script). Glad to see you are having a positive impact
  12. Since there was an overwhelming positive outcome on the vote thread, I decided to finish up the interfaceless mode of OSBot. How it looks: Also you will notice that when you are in nointerface mode, it will only load the script pool which you are using. This makes bot farming with local scripts really awesome because OSBot will not download any remote scripts. The one difference to be aware of when you are in nointerface mode, calling "stop()" will exit the OSBot process (namely because you cannot start a new script after you have stopped the one you loaded). The updated parameters: For now this feature is available to everyone, including non-VIP members. I do plan on restricting this feature to VIP+ only on the Stable Build! Download: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot%202.4.106.jar Happy Botting!
  13. It's finished right now, just polishing it up.
  14. WebWalkEvent does not generate a list of positions. It's a relatively complicated set of instructions that is derived from a list of links and general procedures for handling objects. Also if you think you're better than the 15 years worth of reverse engineering on this game, go for it. There is a lot more that goes into a ban than your mouse movements.
  15. Thanks for your feedback, the next dev update will have the feature implemented.
  16. Alek


    You're trying to load a script that has an error.
  17. I quickly threw together a new feature called "nointerface", which absolutely removes all interfaces and only gives you command line. This feature is targeted at very serious bot farmers who can completely rely on their scripts without any human intervention. What it looks like: You will not get any interface whatsoever, which should help a bit with screen clutter and improve slightly on resource usage. This feature would be available for VIP/Sponsor only as free members are limited to 2 bot instances. If this vote generally passes, I'll improve on this feature a bit by exploring some more opportunities to save resources.
  18. Thanks to all the scripters who spent the time and actually tested the dev builds, you are the real heroes. This stable release is a culmination of the other releases: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/111674-osbot-24102-shortcuts-tabs-and-scrolls/ http://osbot.org/forum/topic/111960-osbot-24103-more-webwalking-and-grandexchange/ Some of the highlights are: -GrandExchange SellItem -PathPreferenceProfile IgnoreItems, IgnoreObstacles -Teleports including scrolls, tabs, and rune methods are fully functional again -Additional shortcut links Specific to this update: Version 2.4.105 Changelog -Patched issue with available items container -Updated Deadman worlds -Item toString() override -Festivities update Happy botting, and try not rage quitting SDMM. :xboge:
  19. I provided pretty thorough documentation but people still ignore it. http://i.imgur.com/8ZCZeq4.png Specifically, I listed the illegal delimeters... Edit: I also hope you are not passing "317" as a script parameter for setting your world; I wrote a CLI flag for it.
  20. Alek

    CLI -mem

    The mem flag sets the maximum heap size with xmx. The JVM will get more memory if its needed. If you're getting OOM exceptions then it's probably an issue with your script.
  21. Are you using a monitor with G-Sync?
  22. You called: widgets.interact(465,23,10,"-5%"); but in your screenshot it show it as 465, 24, 10. Also these hard coded widgets will probably break sooner than later, get used to searching for widgets instead of using static ids. Also in the future please post in the scripting help section. Moved.
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